Phoenix limo, transportation company is here to help with quarantine needs, CEO says

At Jet Limousines in Phoenix, there are 55 buses parked, and it's not a sight the owner ever wanted to see.

With the spread of the coronavirus, this is just another industry getting hit hard by this pandemic.

“We have cut a lot of hours the drivers don’t work unless the vehicles are out,” says Billy Jinks, CEO of JET Limousines and Transportation.

March is usually their busiest month of the year, he said, as the company relies on tourism. They drive tourists to national parks, handle transport for the pro baseball teams during spring training, assist with weddings, conventions and more.

“Two or three weeks ago, you would walk out in the daytime and there wouldn’t be a vehicle left," Jinks said.

Now that all events have been cancelled — with the hope to stop the spread of the coronavirus, they are reminding customers they are still here and can still help with their tasks.

"We can help with trips to the grocery store, trips out of state if they don’t want to fly, lots of options we can still help with,” Jinks said. 

The company is prepared to withstand this, but the problem is their drivers need help. They say if they are getting work, they are all sharing.

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