Valley couple onboard Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined, again, following flight back to U.S.

Steve (left) and Sommer (right) Gunia

A Scottsdale couple may be back in the U.S. from a cruise trip in Asia that was affected by the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, but they, along with other American passengers on the ship, will have to spend two more weeks of quarantine at a military base.

FOX 10 has reported on the plight of oncologist Sommer Gunia and members of her family, who were among a number of passengers placed under quarantine onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The quarantine was put in place after many passengers onboard tested positive for COVID-19.

Onboard the ship, those under quarantine were allowed to leave their rooms every other day, by schedule.

"We get an hour to walk," said Dr. Sommer Gunia, while she was quarantined on the Diamond Princess. "When we go out, we have to wear a mask. We have to be a little over six feet apart from each other."

Now, the Gunias say they are happy to be safe, but many questions remain as they begin yet another 14-day quarantine. The couple was on a 15-hour flight from Japan that landed at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

The flight was on a converted cargo plane, and it was less than comfortable.

The Gunias are trying to remain positive, but they say the lack of communication from the government is frustrating. For the Gunia couple, the stress of the trip also goes beyond the virus.

They have been off work for much longer than planned.

"I'm private practice. I don't get paid unless I work," said Dr. Gunia. "I have to pay my employees. I have bills to pay, just like everybody else. Not only do we have this stress of 'are we going to get the virus,' we have the stress of someone is controlling my life right now, and I don't even know the end of the quarantine yet."

The couple, who got married 18 years ago on a cruise ship, says they will cruise again, but not for a while.