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TUCSON, Ariz. - The Mayor of Tucson has extended the city's local emergency declaration through June 8 as coronavirus cases continue to grow in the state.
An emergency proclamation has been in place in Tucson since March 17 and expired May 15. The new proclamation went inito effect at midnight on May 16.
"These measures, which are consistent with guidelines from Pima County, the State, and the CDC, will help ensure the safety of our employees and members of the public," said mayor Regina Romero. "In addition, this will help provide Tucson businesses with the flexibility and clarity to being opening up safely.
This decision comes as Arizona Governor Doug Ducey allowed the state's stay-at-home order to expire May 16.
The proclamation also includes guidance on reopening city buildings:
- City buildings that have been closed during the emergency proclamation will remain closed through June 8
- When city buildings open, visitors will be required to wear face masks or coverings; temperature checks may be done
The mayor has also decided to continue the moratorium on Tucson Water disconnects and late fee penalties through the end of June. The moratorium on evictions at city-owned facilities will also be extended through June as well.
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