Trump's Border Battle: How to pay for the wall

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On Tuesday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a memo containing sweeping new immigration guidelines, and included were details on U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) agenda for plans to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"CBP is taking immediate action in response to the president's executive order. We have identified locations near El Paso, Texas, Tucson, Arizona, and El Centro, California, where we will build a wall in areas where the fence or old brittle landing-mat fencing are no longer effective," the DHS fact-sheet memo said. "The Border Patrol is also in the midst of an operational assessment, which will identify priority areas where CBP can build a wall or similar physical barrier on the border where it currently does not exist."

According to the release, the CBP's findings will "inform DHS's strategy to obtain and maintain operational control of the southern border," and are expected to be presented to the agency "well before" the 180-day deadline for DHS to produce a comprehensive study of the security of the southern border.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer addressed the potential financing of DHS's new plan to crackdown on illegal immigration during Tuesday's press briefing, specifically referring to the hiring of 15,000 new border patrol agents.

"Right now, ICE and DHS in particular as well as CBP, are looking at what this is going to cost and how much," he said which will be followed by "then figuring out how much can be handled through reallocation of resources and how much we can save maybe on other areas, but also work with Congress" said Spicer.

