This pizzeria is using robots to deliver pizza during the COVID-19 spread

At Venezia's New York Style Pizza, they have new delivery drivers and they are autonomous robots.

The way it works is an order comes in from a customer, a robot is activated, then an employee sanitizes both the inside and outside and places the pizza in the robot.

Then the robot travels to the home within a half mile range.

"We have our own delivery drivers, third party delivery and now robot delivery drivers we have everything covered during this pandemic, the Starship Technologies 6 wheeled robot is making it easier than ever before to social distance," says restaurant manager Renny Mitchell.

It can navigate sidewalks and streets and will deliver the food right to the customers front yard.

“It is so much easier to sanitize a robot putting it in there and sending it on its way no interaction the 6 feet thing is super easy to do with a robot they don’t say anything," Mitchell says.

This pizzeria is the only one of their locations doing this, if you would like to order, you have to download the Starship Technologies app.

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