'They're trying to stay out of the heat mostly': Rattlesnakes on the move in Arizona

Rattlesnakes are on the move here in Arizona.

"They're trying to stay out of the heat mostly, so people find them alongside their patio, front door, anywhere that is shaded, water is around, trying to stay away from heat as much as possible," says the President of Rattlesnake Solutions, Bryan Hughes.

As of July 13, he says his company is getting between 5-10 rattlesnake calls a day, and most of the calls coming from places near mountains or native desert areas, like Cave Creek and Scottsdale.

He expects that number to double in a matter of weeks.

"Right now all those pregnant moms, the babies they are holding, are hiding away somewhere," Hughes says. "So in a few weeks, you'll see lots of mother rattlesnakes crawling around looking for food."

When monsoon weather comes back, they'll be even more active.

ALSO: More on rattlesnake safety from the Arizona Game and Fish Department can be found here.

Hughes has a suggestion if you come across a rattlesnake.

"The first thing, if they see a rattlesnake is to do nothing at all. Don't go toward it, try to catch it, or kill," Hughes advised.

Instead, call a professional or simply wait for the rattlesnake to go away on its own.

"For the most part, a lot of rattlesnakes will just go as soon as it's dark," Hughes said.

If you have dogs, make sure to be careful in the early morning hours, right before and after it gets dark.

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