'The Zone' trial continues: Phoenix officials must show what they've done to clear homeless encampment

City of Phoenix officials were in court for a second day to prove the city is taking steps to clean up the downtown homeless encampment, which is home to roughly 580 people.

Last fall, business owners and neighbors filed a lawsuit, suing the city for failing to address camping, filth, and drug use in "The Zone."

City officials started cleaning the area in May, following an order by a judge.

So far, only three blocks have been cleared.

During closing arguments on July 11, the defense says the city is committed to cleaning up "The Zone," but prosecutors disagree.


'The Zone': Phoenix to show compliance with court order to clear homeless encampment

The city of Phoenix went to court Monday to prove it has met a deadline to clear a large homeless encampment, an action that has drawn pushback from civil rights advocates.

"From the evidence the city has shown, it is going down this path with or without an injunction."

"We're just asking the court to issue an order that requires them to do it because if anything is clear, they're not doing it without this court's order."

Plaintiffs want the encampment cleaned out by the end of the summer, but the city says it will take much longer.

A decision by the judge is expected next month.