Students call for Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to delay schools reopening
Students call for Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to delay schools reopening
In a call to delay in-person instruction, students are asking Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to not put their heath and lives at risk by being sent back to school too soon during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PHOENIX - Arizona elementary, middle and high school students are supposed to go back to school on Aug. 17, but students say it's not the brightest idea during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A video was made with the hopes of reaching the ears of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, giving educators and students a voice.
Sophia Hammer is a student and says a lot of times in politics, youth is not heard as much and not taken into account, but say they're the ones directly impacted by this issue.
Students at Gilbert Classical Academy and other schools across the state are asking the governor to not leave school openings up to individual districts, but instead, delay the reopening of schools this fall.
RELATED: LIST: Arizona districts announce return to school plans
"It's so crucial because I don't want to risk my health going back to school. I live with a grandma who has an autoimmune disorder and I don't want to be going back to school in person and risk her life," Hammer explained.
With COVID-19 cases continuing to rise in Arizona, Hammer says she and other students would feel more comfortable returning to school when the state flattens the curve.
"There are several other students who don't want to put their families at risk because they have other underlying issues so it's hard for students to make those decisions because a lot of times the online program that we are offered doesn't have all the classes ...," Hammer said.
RELATED: Arizona teachers ask for the state to roll back Aug. 17 date for reopening in-person classes
She has a message for the governor.
"I want to tell him that he needs to step up and take leadership. Districts are confused, students are confused, parents are confused, educators are confused. It's just a bunch of chaos and he needs to step up and take leadership because right now, we saw from the conference last week that he had, he said we'll have answers next week but we need answers right now."
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