Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Mobile unit goes around Phoenix to educate

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and one Valley hospital is educating people about the dangers of skin cancer.

They're hoping to share the facts that will save lives.

Dr. Mark Gimbel, Medical Director of TW Lewis Melanoma Center of Excellence at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, says this month is about bringing awareness to one of the most common forms of cancer.

"Melanoma is a very common skin cancer," Dr. Gimbel said. "It’s the fifth most common in the United States among men and women."

Speaking of awareness, a mobile outreach unit goes around to community events all year long.

In the mobile unit, people can get sunscreen, see examples of items they can wear to protect themselves, and information on what to look out for.

Dr. Gimble says they teach people the "ABCDEs" of skin checks. Border, color, development and elevation.

Learn more about skin cancer and signs to look out for by clicking here.

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