Rise Up, Red Sea: Fans cheer for AZ Cardinals, from a distance
Rise Up, Red Sea: Fans cheer for AZ Cardinals, from a distance
The Cardinals beat Washington Sept. 20 in their first home game of the season.
PHOENIX - Sept. 20 marks the first Cardinals home game of the season, and the tailgaters are nowhere to be found. Parking lots are empty, streets are quiet.
No fans are allowed inside State Farm Stadium due to pandemic restrictions, but at the corner of 95th Avenue and Cardinals Way, a handful demand the Red Sea rise up.
"It’s a little different but it’s the same support," said fan Aurelio Trinidad. "Of course support always matters. Maybe they’re not going to feel it in here but they’re going to feel it in our houses today."
Another fan, Red Rage, said they're doing the best they can to support the Cards from a distance.
"We’re doing the next best thing, there’s a lot loyal and fantastic fans out here cheering them on," he said.
The Bird Gang stuck together to cheer on the players and coaches as they drove in for the game.
"Whether we can be in the stadium or not, we want them to win," said Bird Gang member Judy Batty.
Batty's a 20 year season ticket holder who turns 90 next year. All she wants is her seat inside.
"I don’t know how much longer I can go to these games -- as long as I can," Batty said.
As for those who didn't show up on the corner Sunday morning?
"They must not be as die hard as we are," laughed Sherri Burris, another Bird Gang member.
These die hards say what they do matters.
"I sure hope so," said fan Todd Aaronson. "It's got to. It's got to."
The Cardinals went on to win their first home game of the season 30-15 against Washington. They have a 2-0 record now.