RETURNED: Stolen engagement ring reunited with Valley woman

A Valley woman who thought she would never see her stolen engagement ring again, is now reunited with that important piece of jewelry.

This story began four years ago, when her engagement ring, along with gifts from Scheryl Silvio's mother suddenly disappeared from her home. The ring was given to Silvio by her husband, who has passed away.

Silvio, 68, now lives in a Mesa care home, but according to the Attorney General's Office, she hired Mary Louisa Gonzalez four years ago, as a home health care provider.

Gonzalez, 57, was recently sentenced to 2.5 years for stealing patient's jewelry, and then pawning it. Silvio was one but several victims Gonzalez preyed upon, and the jewelry that Gonzaez stole from five patients was valued at nearly $30,000.

Now, Silvio's jewelry is back to its rightful owner. On Tuesday, Silvio got a chance to thank the Special Agent who worked on the case.

"It tugs at your heartstrings, it really does," said Ronald Davis, a Special Agent with the Arizona Attorney General's Office. "It's not every day you get to do this, and see it come full circle."

Team Linda Williams