Repaying historical favor, Irish people worldwide helping with Navajo Nation's fight against COVID-19

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Ireland and Irish diaspora coming together to help Navajo Nation during COVID-19 pandemic

It's a way to repay a favor of sorts, when Native Americans helped the Irish back during the days of the Potato Famine. FOX 10's Brian Webb reports.

The Navajo Nation in Northern Arizona has been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic, and donations to help the tribe are pouring in, including from what may seem like an unlikely place: Ireland and Irish people all around the world.

In Phoenix, the Irish Cultural Center is holding a donation drive over the next two weekends for the Native American nation. It’s not only a nice thing to do, but it’s also repaying a favor from more than 170 years ago.

"The Irish people, we have had our fair share of ups and downs and struggles, and we never forget the kindness that’s paid to us," said Ciara Archer with the Phoenix Irish Cultural In Learning Foundation.

In 1847, the Choctaw nation sent $170 to starving Irish families, during the potato famine that killed more than a million people.

$170 in 1847 is the equivalent to over $5,000 today. At the time, the tribe itself was poor, just after the Trail of Tears that left thousands of Native Americans dead along the way.

The 170-year-old gift is still considered sacred to this day, taught to Irish schoolchildren. There is even a monument in the shape of feathers that was erected in Ireland to honor the generosity of Native Americans.

According to the Ireland-based newspaper Irish Examiner, the monument, called "Kindred Spirits", can be visited at a park in County Cork.

"It’s great to know that we help them out at one point, now they’re helping back with that favor, so it’s awesome to know that type of history, and I’m sure will be reading about it, writing about it and teaching our young Navajo, younger generation about this connection," said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

As the battle against COVID-19 continues, hundreds of Irish people are returning the favor, donating to the Navajo Nation in their time of need. It's part of a GoFundMe pledge that’s nearing $4 million. A thank-you from kindred spirits that crosses an ocean, as well as generations.

"With some things, we are tied in our history books, and we talk about it when we talk about the famine, to remind us that we didn’t go through it alone. We were all in together, which, I think, is appropriate for this COVID-19 pandemic. We’re all in this together," said Archer.

Irish Cultural Center

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COVID-19 symptoms

Symptoms for coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. These, of course, are similar to the common cold and flu. 

Expect a common cold to start out with a sore or scratchy throat, cough, runny and/or stuffy nose. Flu symptoms are more intense and usually come on suddenly, and can include a high fever. 

Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear more slowly. They usually include fever, a dry cough, and noticeable shortness of breath, according to the World Health Organization. A minority of cases develop pneumonia, and the disease is especially worrisome for the elderly and those with other medical problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, or heart conditions.

RELATED: Is it the flu, a cold or COVID-19? Different viruses present similar symptoms

Right now there's one big difference between flu and coronavirus: A vaccine exists to help prevent the flu and it's not too late to get it. It won't protect you from catching the coronavirus but may put you in a better position to fight it.

To protect yourself, wash your hands well and often, keep them away from your face, and avoid crowds and standing close to people.

And if you do find yourself showing any of these flu or coronavirus symptoms - don't go straight to your doctor's office. That just risks making more people sick, officials urge. Call ahead, and ask if you need to be seen and where.

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Why social distancing can save lives amid COVID-19 pandemic

Social distancing is not only about preventing the illness itself, but rather, slowing the rate at which people get sick. 

In order to protect yourself from a possible infection, the CDC recommends: 

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Stay home when you are sick.

Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Additional resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - How it spreads, symptoms, prevention, treatment, FAQ (In Spanish/En Español)

Arizona COVID-19 Response - Public resources, FAQ, webinars (In Spanish/En Español)

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