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PHOENIX - To help celebrate "unfurrgettable" moments in people's lives, the Arizona Humane Society (AHS) has some adorable new programs in the mix.
You can now bring their animals to weddings, birthdays, study sessions and more. Plus, they have another program that teaches cats to not only be your new best pal but a coworker, too.
In return, they get more exposure, leading to a higher chance of being adopted.
AHS has a few new programs that you won’t want to miss, and first up is for newlyweds. Forget the flower bouquets and instead grab a pup or cat.
"We will bring a litter of puppies, kittens or maybe even two bunnies out to your event and the guests absolutely go crazy for it," says Bretta Nelson with AHS. "There are even senior pets you can do if you prefer that."
They're not just for weddings.
"It’s a major distresser for people, so whether you are at work or maybe you are in college and need a break before exams, a cuddle bunch is definitely the way to lower your stress levels," Nelson said.
If you fall in love, you can adopt. All the proceeds go back into rescuing and caring for animals at their shelters.
"Best case scenario would be that we don’t come back with any of them because you have adopted them at their event," Nelson said.
They say it’s not only good for impressing your guests, but also good for the pets.
"It’s a really good socialization opportunity for our pets, so we can take them out and introduce them to new people and see how they might react," she said.
If you’re looking for a new member of the family who can also help with work around the house, look no further than their working cat program.
"It’s an environmentally safe alternative to pest control. So if you are somebody that operates a warehouse or has a barn or a ranch, you may want to employ one of our working cats because they are going to keep your rodent population down to a minimum," Nelson explained.
Wren House Brewing hired a cat named Gravy. He’s such a hit that they named a beer after him.
"You just see how the program works the way it was supposed to, especially when you see Gravy," Nelson said.
More information can be found here: