Recipe: Steak Marinade by Rustler's Rooste

Rustler's Rooste Head Chef Frank Gonzales shares their Steak Marinade recipe.

Orange Juice- 16oz.
Cola- 24oz.
Brandy- 8oz.
Fresh Garlic- 2 TBSP
Kosher Salt- 2 TBSP
Coarse Black Pepper- 2 TBSP
Finely Chopped Cilantro- 2 Cups
Half Raw Yellow Onion Julienned

Mix all ingredients in a pan large enough to hold the steaks you will be marinating.
Place the steaks in the marinade and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least
3 to 5 hours before you plan on grilling to let the meat absorb all of the flavors of the marinade.