Rattlesnake sightings in Phoenix expected to pick up as the babies begin to leave their moms

Rattlesnakes are on the prowl in the Phoenix area and October is an active time of year for the snakes as the moms are entering a second mating season and their babies are out on their own.

Rattlesnake Solutions did not have as many sightings in August as they have in previous years. However, they say maybe because of the heavy monsoon, the snakes didn't need to travel far.

In late September, or early October, they will be out and so will their babies.

"People don't think about October and rattlesnakes, but that's when a lot of people see them," explained Bryan Hughes with Rattlesnake Solutions.

The cooler October weather makes it an ideal time to get outdoors, and go for a hike, but the downside, it's also perfect weather for rattlesnakes.

There are plenty of babies roaming around all born during the month of August.

"All those babies have left their mothers so they're all crawling around, and their mothers need to eat too 'cause they sat around while they were pregnant. They go to eat, crawl around, and the males are looking for those females as well because it's the second mating season," Hughes said.

This time of year he's getting about 20 calls per day and he expects that to continue through the second week of November.

"So all the rattlesnakes are looking for food and then they're traveling where they're going to spend the winter. They're doing that in the daylight hours when people are going to be more likely to encounter them," Hughes said.

Rattlesnake Solutions gets the most calls for homes north of Loop 101 in Scottsdale, Cave Creek and Peoria.

Hughes explains the rattlesnakes will not generally go after you if you don't bother them. The best advice he can give – leave it alone, or leave it to the professionals.

"Just don't do anything. Leave it alone. It's not gonna chase after you. Not going to jump through the air, doesn't need someone to go kill it," Hughes said.

He also says it's a myth that baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adults, but they are more likely to leave their home range. So if you see one this time of year, it could very likely be a baby.

If you want to prevent the snake from coming into an area again, besides in its natural habitat, try and figure out why the snake was attracted to your area.

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