Puppies found in crate in South Phoenix now put up for adoption

A crate full of adorable puppies was found abandoned in a South Phoenix alleyway on Thursday, and on Saturday, Maricopa County Animal Care and Control put them up for adoption.

"They've very rambunctious, they're very curious, they're very much in love with food, but we're grateful that the public is stepping forward and wanting to give these guys a forever home," said Jose Santiago with MCACC.

Five puppies were found inside the crate, which appeared to be abandoned near 3rd Avenue and South Mountain.

"We've seen hundreds of people interested online, we've gotten a lot of phone calls, people are walking by and pointing at them and saying those are the dogs from the news," said Santiago.

Due to the volume of interest generated by the puppies, MCACC decided to hold a raffle, giving everyone a fair chance. Some of the raffle hopefuls say it was the way the puppies were discovered that really encouraged them to come down and adopt.

"It was really sad," said one girl. "It made me cry a little bit. I was like 'noooo!'"

Others say it serves as a good reminder to spay or neuter your pet, if one can't handle more.

"It made me feel sad," said one woman. "Why do people -- if you have a dog and you don't want it to have a puppy, get it fixed."

Every $150 MCACC makes in adoption will save the lives of four other days, as it takes $31, per day, to house and fee a dog in that shelter.
