Proposed bill in Arizona State Legislature aims to crack down on short-term rentals

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State lawmakers looking to crack down on short-term rentals in Arizona

Senate Bill 1379 would give cities the ability to regulate and issue fines for short-term rental hosts that violate established guidelines.

Arizona state lawmakers are looking to crack down on short-term rental hosts who are not following health and safety guidelines.

"In a nutshell, we are trying to get at the issue that we hear the most about, and that is party houses," said State Sen. J.D. Mesnard.

Senate Bill 1379 passed unanimously through the House on Feb. 3, and could be introduced on the Senate floor as early as next week. The bill would give cities the ability to regulate and issue fines for short term rental hosts violating established guidelines.

That could apply to so-called "party houses" that are loud and disturbing to others in the area.

"We have heard complaints from residents," said State Sen. Mesnard. "Lots of folks crammed in, disturbing the neighbors."

The bill would also enforce the occupancy limit for these homes, which is two adults per bedroom.

East Valley short-term rental host speaks out

Linda Curry, who is based in Mesa, says she is in support of the bill, believing that it will help to lend more accountability for these hosts.

"We can help deter some of the bad players in the industry, cut down on noise complaints and parties," said Curry.

State Sen. Mesnard calls this bill "narrowly crafted," and says he hopes it is balanced enough for all those involved.

"It has opposition from folks on opposite sides of the issue," said State Sen. Mesnard. "Those who feel it goes too far, or those who feel it does not go far enough. I’m hoping we don’t allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good."

airbnb issues statement

John Choi, airbnb's Public Policy Manager, issued a statement on Feb. 3 that reads:

"Airbnb supports Senator Mesnard’s bill and commends him for his efforts to give cities new tools to address hosts who negatively impact quality of life in their communities. The vast majority of hosts in Arizona contribute positively to their neighborhoods and we look forward to supporting state and local officials in their efforts to develop sensible rules that preserve homeowners’ property rights and the economic benefits home sharing provides for Arizonians."