Phoenix teacher arrested after allegedly peeing into a can while at his desk
Curt Hinton
PHOENIX - A Phoenix elementary school teacher is accused of criminal charges after police say he peed into a can during class, and students saw his private parts.
What we know:
According to the school’s website and his LinkedIn page, Curt Hinton served in the Army before becoming an English teacher at Wilson Elementary School.
The Wilson School District says he is currently on temporary leave after his arrest.
According to court paperwork, the incident happened on Tuesday, March 18.
Four students, a 12-year-old boy and three 11-year-old girls, went to the principal to share what they said they witnessed.
After hearing a zip and the sound of running water, they looked over to see their teacher peeing into a can while sitting at his desk. The students said they saw his exposed penis before he adjusted his pants and belt.
When officers talked to Hinton, he allegedly admitted that, while in class, he peed in a can, but insisted he kept himself properly covered.
When asked why this happened, Hinton said he didn’t know how to get in contact with another teacher to watch his class, so he reverted to what he did in the military when he couldn’t leave a spot.
Hinton admitted multiple times that his actions were a poor use of judgment and that he made a mistake. He also said he was new to the school.
What they're saying:
Parents at Wilson Elementary School near Fillmore and 30th streets in Phoenix can hardly believe the allegations.
"It’s shocking to myself to even know that, you know what I mean?"
"They did not tell me anything about it!"
What's next:
He was booked into jail on suspicion of four felony counts of indecent exposure. After appearing in front of a judge, Hinton was given a $10,000 secured appearance bond.
The district said it does not have a formal policy barring teachers from using the bathroom. Instead, teachers will usually ask each other to watch their class for a moment.
FOX 10 reached out to Hinton, offering him a chance to share his side of the story, but we never heard back.
He will appear back in court on March 26.
Wilson School District's responses in full
We are actively working with the Phoenix Police Department regarding this matter. In accordance with policy, Wilson Elementary School District cannot provide details regarding personnel matters; however, we can confirm that the teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending further action, has been relieved of all duties and has been arrested. We are unable to provide any additional comments on this matter.
Wilson Elementary School District prioritizes the safety and supervision of students at all times. While there is no specific policy solely addressing teacher restroom use, it is standard practice for teachers to ensure appropriate coverage for their classrooms when they need to step away briefly. This typically involves coordinating with a neighboring teacher, instructional aide, or school administrator to ensure students remain supervised.
As previously stated, we are actively working with the Phoenix Police Department regarding this matter. In accordance with district policy, we cannot provide details on personnel matters, but we can confirm that the teacher has been placed on administrative leave, relieved of all duties, and arrested.