Phoenix Police officer retires after 40 years

A Valley man is retiring from his job as a police officer after 40 years on the job.

"It was a good job, it was a lot of fun, a little scary at times," said Officer Bill Woods.

During his career, he's worn several badges and earned several pins. He's worked on several units including domestic violence, gang, vice, and he also worked undercover buying stolen property. He also liked being on patrol and was last assigned to the Mountain View Precinct.

There's one moment he'll never forget, the date and time forever etched into his memory, December 12, 2004, at 10:54 pm, when he and another officer were trying to arrest a man who had a gun.

"He fired one round, and it hit Mike in the vest, about that far from the bottom of it. And all I heard was no loud noise, nothing, and I ended up, we had to shoot him, we won that one," said Officer Woods.

For the most part, Woods says he laughed a lot and had fun on the job, but there are a few things he will miss the most.

"Just the general camaraderie with the guys, I'll miss that. I won't miss the reports, complaints, and with the national climate right now towards police I'm not going to miss that at all," said Woods.

He has some words of advice for those thinking of becoming a police officer.

"39 1/2 years ago, the police were respected, now not so much. So if you do come on, now the biggest thing I tell them is to sit back, observe, learn, and don't think you know everything," said Woods.

Woods says he looks forward to traveling the world and making his own beer now that he's retired. He's also thinking about going back to coaching high school football. Something he did for 22 years.