Phoenix elementary school's playground gets makeover thanks to Fiesta Bowl Charities
PHOENIX (FOX 10) - It's been about 20 years since the playground equipment at Palm Lane Elementary has been replaced.
Now, the school is getting an upgrade and it's all thanks to the Fiesta Bowl Committee and United Healthcare.
As one of 60 schools in the state, the Fiesta Bowl Committee is awarding Palm Lane with a grant.
"We wanted to donate and revitalize the school," Jose Moreno said.
Today, volunteers from both United Healthcare and the Fiesta Bowl Committee put in the work towards the school's makeover.

"We're painting the inside of the school. We did some landscaping and then we've got some volunteers here finishing up with the mulch and we're excited for kids to use this today for the first time," Moreno said.
With over 900 students, school Principal Stephanie Ward says the kids can't wait to get their hands on their brand new playground.
"Watching this all go up and watching the volunteers help to make our school beautiful -- our kids deserve that," she said.