Paradise Valley adds new photo radar cameras

Drivers beware, the City of Paradise Valley has added four new photo radar cameras to prevent red light running and speeding.

The cameras are located at Tatum and Desert Jewel Drive, Lincoln and Palo Cristi Road, Lincoln and Mockingbird Lane, and more cameras at Tatum and Lincoln.

In addition, the town is implementing a new program called "Redflex Red Halo."

The new program changes traffic lights. If someone blows through a red light, all the lights turn red, so nobody else drives into the intersection to cut down on T-Bone accidents.

The goal is to slow people down, police say in a reasonable way.

So how many miles per hour does the system allow before it snaps a photo, be it a physical officer or camera?

"Well photo enforcement triggers at 11 miles per hour, a physical officers discretion may be lower, it may be higher," said Lt. Michael Horn.

Some drivers are ok with more photo radar cameras.

"Yeah, I guess it depends on how much traffic is around, but as long as you are doing the speed limit you have nothing to worry about," said Danielle Verduzco.

But other drivers don't like it.

"They shouldn't, I don't think they should," said Brenda Gonzales.

Why does she feel that way?

"Because they shouldn't, I feel I'm being violated, I don't like it," said Brenda Gonzalez.

"Yeah, I think the cameras don't need to be excessive, certain areas they keep speeds down, but when they are excessive I think it is a bit of a violation," said Jeff Koether.

So is Paradise Valley one big speed trap?

"I would say it is not, depends on your definition, we're just trying to keep people safe as they come thru our town," said Lt. Horn.
