North Texas lawmaker introduces bill to end tolls on toll roads after they are paid off

A state representative from Plano has introduced a bill to end tolls on toll roads once they are paid off.

HB 436 was filed by Matt Shaheen, who serves as representative for Texas House District 66.

In the bill, it proposes toll projects in Texas become part of the state highway system after the project is paid off.

If the bill is passed, toll roads would continue "without tolls when the costs of acquisition and construction of the project have been paid."

The bill was referred to transportation on Wednesday.

"The government's job is to provide roads that are funded through existing tax structures, and historically the legislature has underfunded transportation causing the need for toll roads. With recent increases in transportation funding, Texas needs a strategy to rid our roadways of toll roads." Shaheen said in a release. "Collin County citizens are paying a disproportionate amount of their earnings on toll roads, and that needs to be addressed."