New technology allows doctors to test for skin cancer via stickers that collect skin cells
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - May is Skin cancer Awareness Month.
We like to call it melanomas may, because melanomas is the one we worry about most," said Rob Casquejo, a physician's assistant with the Skin & Cancer Center of Scottsdale.
Casquejo says melanoma is just as deadly as any other cancer.
"The good news is that if you find them early, you can have a great prognosis and the outcome is good," said Casquejo.
Traditionally, people who are concerned about having skin cancer would usually get a biopsy done. Now, there's a much easier and less invasive way.
"This is really exciting technology. This is called the pigmented lesion from DermaTech," said Casquejo.
With the new approach, there is no more cutting, and no more scarring.
"It’s called a Smart Sticker. We stick it on the mole, and it will give us cells that we can examine to see if there are melanomas," said Casquejo.
People can stick the sticker on themselves, peel it off, and then follow the rest of the instructions.
Casquejo says the best way to protect a person's health is to get an exam by a professional.
"It's nice to have a pair of professional eyes because we know what to look for, plus it's not easy to see certain areas like your back, the bottom of your foot, where people don’t often look. We literally look everywhere," said Casquejo.
The Skin & Cancer Center of Scottsdale is accepting new patients. Peoplr can come right into the office and get the examination done, or a kit can be sent home.
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