New owner of building that once housed Easley's Fun Shop unloading merchandises left inside

It's been two months since a longtime party store in Downtown Phoenix closed its doors.

Easley's was a family costume shop in business for more than 70 years. The business was once housed in a bright yellow building near 5th Avenue and McDowell Road, and the building has been sold to real estate developer Errick Harrell.

The building, however, is still filled with thousands of costumes.

"With buying the property, we acquired all of the old merchandise," said Harrell.

Merchandise like fabric, shelves and displays still pack the store to this day.

"We have lots of brand-new costumes. Tons that have never been out of the package. Boxes and boxes of them. Lots of toys. All sorts of wigs and other fun items," said Harrell.

Now, Harrell is looking for people to take all of the merchandise off his hands. Harrell, however, is not giving the merchandise away to just anyone.

"We'd like to donate any and all of the merchandise to any charities, especially charities revolving around children, 501(c)(3), schools, and any type of nonprofits," said Harrell.

Harrell says he's already unloaded about six semi truck loads of merchandise, but tons of items remain. 

Once the building is clear, Harrell says he has big plans for the space.

"We're redeveloping the property, and going to do restaurant and retail," said Harrell.

Harrell hopes to have everything out by next Friday. Construction for the restaurant is expected to break ground within the next six weeks. The new restaurant is expected to open this summer.

People interested in getting the merchandise can call (602) 545-9840.

Building that once house Easley's Fun Shop in Downtown Phoenix