Mother seeks answers after son was beaten to death in Phoenix | Crime Files

A brutal attack in August has left a North Phoenix man dead, as well as a mother who is wanting answers, and searching for justice.

"I want them found," said the victim's mother, Jan Turner Kelly, referring to the suspects in the deadly beating.

Here are the details on what happened.

Who's the victim?

Jake Kelly

Phoenix Police officials have identified the victim as 49-year-old Jake Kelly.

What happened?

The attack, according to reports, happened on Aug. 27.

According to police, Kelly was found unresponsive in the driveway of a home near Cave Creek Road and Grovers Avenue.

According to Kelly's mother, Kelly's roommate found him lying outside, and rushed him to the hospital.

"My son was responsive to pain and talking to him, but he never regained real consciousness," Jan said.

Kelly's face was reportedly unrecognizable following the incident.

"Trauma to his brain. He had three separate injuries to his brain. His face was crushed. He went through eight hours of plastic surgery, and they couldn't even use his bones because they were pulverized," said Jan.

Jan flew in to see Kelly, but his health continued to decline. He had broken ribs, his colon had to be removed, and his kidney started to fail.

"Pretty soon, there was no hope, so I had to make the decision," said Jan.

Kelly died as a result of his injuries on Sept. 8. according to police.

What is the motive?

Police officials did not mention a motive.

Meanwhile, Jan is still questioning why someone would do this to her son.

"Jake was a kind soul, and he didn't fight," said Jan. "He was a gay man. Very sweet and very gentle. I don't know that I thought so in the beginning, but the more I found out, the more I believed it was a hate crime."

Now, Jan wants justice for her son, and she needs the public's help.

"We should know who before it happens again," said Jan. Jake would have nothing to do with anything that would make him that angry that would kick him to death like that."

Anyone with information should leave an anonymous tip by calling Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS. Spanish speakers can leave an anonymous tip by calling Testigo Silencioso at 480-TESTIGO.

Si tiene alguna información sobre este caso, llame a la línea de Testigo Silencioso (480-TESTIGO, 480-837-8446).

Silent Witness

Area where the victim was found