Maricopa County election workers help to make 2020 election safe during COVID-19 pandemic

It's a crucial time for Arizona voters coming up in the August primary election, but it can also be a concerning time during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Arizona is investing $9 million to make sure primary election day is safe and secure for voters on Aug. 4.

A little more than half of the $9 million is provided by the CARES Act and will help county election officials hire temporary staff and increase curbside voting locations.

Governor Doug Ducey and the Secretary of State announced the move on Thursday.

Another $1.5 million will help tribal and rural communities with early voting. Funding will also supply personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray.

"We will have masks, gloves, poll workers will be wearing face shields we will have masks and gloves available for the voters to use," explained Erika Flores, deputy director of communications with the Maricopa County Elections Department.

She says the plan is to set up 90-100 voting centers across Maricopa County.

"We want to make sure that voters feel comfortable. That they feel safe while they're going to the polls that they choose to go to vote in person," Flores said.

Officials are following Maricopa County Public Health guidelines through this process, testing to see what works as the general election gets closer.

"We're constantly looking at our processes and making sure we improve anything that might not be working as well so we will be looking at this election and seeing what works well," Flores said.

Voters can always sign up for ballot by mail as well.

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