Maricopa County Board of Supervisors meet to discuss next step following arrest of County Assessor
PHOENIX - The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors met behind closed doors Monday to discuss the next step following the arrest of County Assessor Paul Petersen.
Paul Petersen remains in federal custody accused of running an adoption fraud scheme involving pregnant women from the Marshall Islands.
The attorney ran an adoption agency but was also elected as the County Assessor in 2018. As an elected official, he can't be fired.
The Board of Supervisors has asked him to resign and met Monday to discuss their options moving forward.
"We did receive legal advice from the County Attorney and as part of that discussion the Board members had additional questions," said Bill Gates, Chairman.
Also in today's closed-door meeting, County Auditor Mike McGee. Gates says McGee will be auditing some aspects of the County Assessor's office.
"This is going to be addressing what, if any public resources were used as a part of issues that have been in the media in the past week," explained Gates.
It is possible that any irregularities could lead to a reason to actually fire Petersen from his position.
In the meantime, from jail, Petersen continues to draw in his $77,000 per year salary.