LIST: Arizona cities with face mask requirements
Valley cities set to implement mask requirements as COVID-19 pandemic worsens
The decisions to implement a mask mandate came following a decision by Governor Doug Ducey that allows local governments to implement such rules. FOX 10's Bailey Miller reports.
Arizona mayors are free to make wearing face masks mandatory to slow the spread of coronavirus, Gov. Doug Ducey said June 17, a turnabout amid pressure as the state became a national virus hotspot.
The Republican governor, who entered his weekly virus news conference for the first time wearing a face mask but took it off to speak, said allowing cities to decide would work better than a statewide mandate.
MAP: Arizona Coronavirus cases by zip code
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to allow local governments to set face mask rules
The governor, meanwhile, has decided against a statewide mandate on the issue. FOX 10's Jennifer Martinez reports.
The governor had as recently as last week resisted allowing cities to do more than the state allows to slow the virus spread, saying statewide directives avoid a patchwork of regulations. But he pointed to vastly different county rates of COVID-19 cases and alluded to pushback that some more conservative counties may have to a mandate.
Counties, Native Communities requiring face masks
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
"With the increase of positive cases of COVID-19 we saw this week in Arizona, yesterday [June 18], the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Tribal Council passed an order requiring face coverings in public including the Casino Resort and other tribal enterprises. A copy of the order is attached and posted on the Nation's social media site and website," stated President Bernadine Burnette.
Gila County
Since June 1, “any visitor to the courthouses in Payson or Globe will be required to wear a mask, face covering, or face shield," stated officials. "If you’re unable to secure a mask of your own, one will be provided for you."
Gila River Indian Community
“With positive tests for coronavirus continuing to spike in Arizona, I am determined to exercise an abundance of caution,” said Gov. Stephen Roe Lewis. “In the face of such a serious situation statewide, my new Executive Order requires all persons on Community lands to wear a mask when in public and not on a federal or state right of way. I am working with our Police and Public Health Departments, and our Office of General Counsel to implement effective enforcement for this new critical public health measure.”
Maricopa County
During a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors on Friday, the board adopted a proclamation that requires people to don face coverings within the county. The proclamation was adopted in a unanimous vote.
The regulations are based on the recommendations of our Public Health Department and they give residents an understanding of the rules no matter where they are within the County,” said Board Chairman Clint Hickman, in a statement.
Cities and communities within Maricopa County reportedly can set rules in excess of those implemented by Maricopa County.
Navajo Nation
"The Navajo Nation's public health emergency orders, including requiring the use of protective masks in public and the daily curfews from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., are still in effect throughout the Navajo Nation. Navajo police continue to enforce the daily curfew and may issue a citation to curfew violators," stated President Jonathan Nez on Facebook.
Read more:
Pima County
Pima County's Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 in favor of requiring face masks in public.
"Today, at an emergency meeting, the Pima County Board of Supervisors voted to require masks that cover your mouth and nose for anyone in public places who are unable to continually social/physically distance," stated Supervisor Sharon Bronson.
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
"The Gila River Indian Community announced today, June 18, 2020 protective face coverings will be mandatory on GRIC tribal lands when in public locations. The measure is meant to ensure the safety and health of the Community’s members, children, elders, and all Gila River employees."
“The purpose of the directive is to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in our Community,” stated President Martin Harvier. “And to protect our membership, residents, employees, businesses, and visitors on our Community lands.”
Santa Cruz County
On June 19, the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors approved a Proclamation requiring all residents in the unincorporated areas of Santa Cruz County to wear face coverings when in public.
“We are grateful for the Governor’s new Executive Order that allows the County to put in place the mandatory use of faces masks in public places. This pandemic is taking a heavy toll on Santa Cruz County, Arizona and the nation. Face masks will go a long way towards helping to prevent the spread of this deadly virus and I ask every resident in our community, or any visitor to our county, to wear one, no matter the place or how quickly they will be in and out of a store, a restaurant or a public office or public space where other people are present. We will continue to focus on this situation until the COVID-19 virus is defeated," stated Bruce Bracker, Santa Cruz County Supervisor, District 3.
Read the proclamation:
Tohono O’Odham Nation
On June 23, Chairman Ned Norris, Jr. issued an Executive Order requiring individuals to wear face coverings in all public spaces where physical distancing is not possible.
Read the executive order:
Yuma County
"Effective Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m., any person over the age of two (2) who is in a place open to the public, whether indoor or outdoor, and who is unable to or does not maintain a distance of approximately six (6) feet from every other person, shall cover his or her mouth and nose with a face covering, except where a person is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or a person is otherwise exempted by the Arizona Department of Health Services from doing so. A person who declines to wear a face covering because of a medical condition shall not be required to produce documentation verifying the condition. This requirement applies to all workers and customers of businesses and other organizations open to the public that are permitted to operate."
Read the proclamation:
Cities requiring face masks
"Prior to the Governor’s announcement, Avondale had already decided to implement a mask requirement for all individuals entering a city facility (effective June 22.) City employees are also required to wear masks when interacting with the public," stated Mayor Kenn Weise.
The state is seeing an alarming rise in coronavirus cases. As Mayor, I want everyone in the City to stay healthy. I want to ensure that our first responders, health care workers and hospitals are not overwhelmed responding to this public health crises. I have directed city staff to work on a local emergency order to protect the health of the public, and to evaluate legal and enforcement considerations with regard to this local order."
As part of Maricopa County, Avondale also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Effective June 18 at 12:00 a.m., "All persons within the city of Bisbee will wear a mask designed for or appropriate to the halt and spread of COVID 19 virus while in public."
Read the emergency declaration:
On June 22, the city posted a message on Facebook, stating "On Friday [June 19], the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors adopted regulations that require all residents of Maricopa County to wear face coverings. The County’s action supersedes the city's making it no longer necessary to hold the meeting."
Casa Grande
Residents are now required to wear masks when in public buildings and private businesses.
"Wearing a face mask protects others like your Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt, Uncle and anyone that you love or may know that has a diminished immune system,” stated Mayor Craig McFarland.
"In response to Governor Ducey’s directive on June 17th, today the Town of Carefree issued a proclamation requiring that face masks be worn in any public area within the Town of Carefree to assist in reducing the spread of COVID-19. The Town welcomes you while doing its part to protect you from the spread of this unprecedented novel virus."
Read the proclamation:
Effective June 20, face coverings are required in the town, which is "committed to protecting all community members at this time and asks that social distancing measures and face coverings be utilized to help slow the spread in our area."
Read the proclamation:
Effective June 26 at 5 p.m., face coverings are required in Clifton town limits.
Read Mayor Luis Montoya's proclamation.
Mayor Jon Thompson issued a proclamation for requiring face coverings when visiting all city operated public buildings. The order went into effect on June 23 at 7 p.m.
"I urge all citizens over the age of six and have no medical restrictions, to wear protective face coverings in public venues," stated Mayor Thompson.
Read the proclamation at
On June 19, the Cottonwood City Council voted down requiring people to wear face masks in public. After the vote, Mayor Tim Elinski stated that he will be moving forward with a proclamation to require face masks in public.
On June 23, the Douglas City Council issued a proclamation to require all individuals in the city to wear face coverings in public places where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
Read the proclamation at
Flagstaff city officials say the use of masks or face coverings will be required in public areas, beginning 8:00 p.m. on June 20.
Prior to Gov. Doug Ducey's news conference on Wednesday, Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans asked the city's attorney to start work on amending their local emergency proclamation to require the use of masks.
Fountain Hills
"On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors adopted a County regulation mandating face coverings in public. The Board of Supervisors adopted the regulation in response to Governor Ducey’s Executive Order 2020-40 issued on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, due to increases in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in Arizona. The regulation went into effect midnight on Saturday, June 20, 2020, and its requirements cover all incorporated and unincorporated areas of Maricopa County including Fountain Hills."
Read more about the regulations and exemptions:
The Gilbert Town Council has adopted an emergency order requiring the wearing of face masks in public effective June 19 at 5 p.m.
Exceptions to the mask mandate are children under the age of 6, restaurant patrons while dining, those who cannot wear a mask due to a medical or behavioral health condition, and when complying with law enforcement.
The emergency order will remain in effect for at least 30 days. As part of Maricopa County, Gilbert also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Gila Bend
"Maricopa County released a proclamation on June 19, 2020, that the policy of Maricopa County that ALL persons in Maricopa County shall wear face coverings in compliance with regulations defined therein. This order begins at midnight on June 20, 2020."
Read the regulations at
Mayor Jerry Weiers issued a proclamation mandating the use of face coverings for people age 6 and older within the City of Glendale. It will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. June 20.
“I take my responsibility for the welfare of our community seriously and I cannot shy away from the impact COVID-19 has had throughout our community and beyond, but instead must be resolute in my actions in doing what I feel to be right for the health and well-being of Glendale citizens and visitors."
As part of Maricopa County, Glendale also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
The proclamation and exceptions will be available at
On June 20, Mayor Al Gameros stated that he signed a proclamation that will require masks to be worn in public settings where 6 foot distancing cannot not be accomplished within the jurisdiction of Globe.
Read the face covering FAQ and the proclamation.
Goodyear Mayor Georgia Lord signed an emergency declaration Saturday, June 20th, which requires the wearing of face coverings in public. The declaration goes into effect at midnight, Sunday, June 21, 2020.
“It’s the right thing to do,” said Mayor Lord. “I have faith that everyone in our city will continue to be cautious and will take the steps necessary to help bring this pandemic to an end. If there’s one thing that makes Goodyear special – we always look out for each other.”
Read the declaration:
On June 19, Mayor Valerie Molina issued a proclamation requiring face masks to be worn in all public accommodations within the Town of Guadalupe.
As part of Maricopa County, Guadalupe also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Read the proclamation:
The Jerome Town Council unanimously approved an emergency order requiring the wearing of face coverings in public places in Jerome. It went into effect at 11:59 p.m. on June 23.
"Governor Ducey announced new public health guidance and a new Executive Order 2020-40 to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Therefore, beginning Monday, June 22, 2020, anyone entering a city government building will be required to wear a mask; this includes city team members and members of the community."
Litchfield Park
"Due to continued rising COVID-19 numbers in Maricopa County, Litchfield Park City Council has adopted Resolution 20-476 requiring wearing of face coverings in the City of Litchfield Park. This order is effective as of 9am on Friday, June 19, 2020 and shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency or until lawfully amended or terminated."
Read the resolution:
On June 22, Mayor Joe Dietz signed a proclamation requiring face coverings in public to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Read the proclamation:
On June 20th, Mayor John Giles signed a proclamation making face coverings mandatory on June 22nd.
“As Mayor, I am expected to enact measures designed to protect public health,” Mayor John Giles said. “Wearing a face covering slows the spread of coronavirus and in turn helps our hospitals maintain capacity, businesses stay open and kids get back to school.” More on the proclamation.
Mayor Sammy Gonzales signed a proclamation requiring the wearing of face coverings while in public spaces.
On June 18, Mayor Arturo Garino signed a proclamation regarding the use of face masks.
Oro Valley
Mayor Joe Winfield issued an amendment to the town's emergency proclamation regarding wearing face coverings in public to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Paradise Valley
"Wearing a face mask while around others and without sufficient physical distancing --- especially indoors or in other more crowded environments --- is unequivocally directed by the health experts and should be respected and followed by all for the benefit of everyone in our town and our state," stated Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner.
As part of Maricopa County, Paradise Valley also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
"It is with mixed feelings that I am implementing the mandate of the public wearing of masks as of 5pm today [June 18] until further notice. I am working hard to continue to try and keep the balance between personal safety and keeping our businesses open. I am asking that you continue with the other safety measures we have been adhering to - social distancing and hand sanitizing," stated Mayor Tom Morrissey.
The city's mayor, Cathy Carlat, issued a proclamation Friday that requires everyone within the city to wear facial coverings in public places where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
"This is not the time to make decisions based on politics or commotion. The well-being of Peoria residents has been at the forefront of my thoughts as I have been closely drawing advice from top public health officials, while gathering input from Peoria residents and businesses. Now, more than ever, we must take a stand to do everything we can to fight this battle and win our freedom once and for all," Mayor Carlat wrote, in a statement.
The order is set to take effect at 6:00 a.m. on June 22. As part of Maricopa County, Peoria also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
In a 7-2 vote on June 19, the Phoenix City Council voted to implement the wearing of facial coverings in the public to stop the spread of coronavirus.
As part of Maricopa County, Phoenix also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Read the details and exemptions:
Mayor Gallego says Valley mayors are trying to work together as much as possible so mask requirements are similar across cities.
The Phoenix Police Department has asked the public not to use 9-1-1 to report violations and instead set up phone lines. If you'd like to report a potential violation, please call 602-262-3111 during business hours and 602-262-6151 after hours.
Coronavirus in Arizona: Latest case numbers
San Luis
Mayor Gerardo Sanchez and Vice Mayor Maria Cecilia Cruz signed a proclamation and continued a Declaration of Emergency mandating face coverings in public spaces that went into effect June 17.
During a meeting on June 23, Mayor Sandy Moriarty announced that she will issue a proclamation requiring face coverings.
In a statement released Thursday afternoon, officials with the city of Scottsdale say masks will be mandatory in the city, beginning 5:00 p.m. on June 19.
"The proclamation requires people to cover nose and mouth within all public accommodations within the city, which includes grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants and bars, gyms and similar facilities, retail stores, special events and public transit. Businesses that interact with the public must require employees to wear face coverings as well," read a portion of the statement.
Earlier, the city says they are evaluating the legal and enforcement considerations before determining whether a local emergency ordinance mandating masks in public will be created.
As part of Maricopa County, Scottsdale also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Read the proclamation and list of exceptions:
Mayor Jerry Anaya signed an emergency proclamation, effective June 18 at 8:00 a.m. that requires face coverings for all individuals in public areas within the city limits.
Read the proclamation:
"An emergency declaration requiring us to wear masks in the Town of Superior signed by Mayor Mila Besich. This order is effective starting at 8am June 19th and will remain in effect until July, 9 2020 at 11:59pm until the full council can vote to adopt this policy."
Read the declaration:
Effective June 20, face masks will be required within the City of Surprise, with limited exceptions.
As part of Maricopa County, Surprise also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Read the proclamation:
“We all have an easy opportunity to care for each other and reduce the number of contracted cases of COVID – it’s as simple as maintaining physical distance and covering your mouth and nose,” stated Mayor Mark Mitchell. “I am thankful to the Governor for allowing cities and towns like ours to do what we believe is best for our communities based on local conditions. Since the Governor’s order yesterday, hundreds of Tempe residents have expressed their support for this action.”
As part of Maricopa County, Tempe also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Read the proclamation:
“Declaring regulations and advisories is necessary for public safety and protection of life and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We can save lives by simply wearing face coverings. I will require face coverings because your life matters to me” stated Mayor Anna Tovar.
As part of Maricopa County, Tolleson also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
Read the proclamation:
Effective Saturday June 20, at 6 a.m., every person in the City of Tucson over the age of 2 years is required to cover their nose and mouth with a face covering when in a public setting where continuous physical distancing is difficult or impossible.
Read the proclamation and frequently asked questions.
Mayor Michael LeVault signed a proclamation requiring face coverings on June 23.
The Chairman of the Yuma County Board of Supervisors issued a proclamation effective 1:00 p.m. June 18, requiring face coverings for the purpose of mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
Read the proclamation:
Cities and counties that have yet to make a decision
These areas will hold special meetings in the coming days to discuss measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including a mandate for residents to wear masks.
La Paz County
The La Paz County Board of Supervisors held a special meeting on June 22 at 10 a.m. to discuss and possible action regarding Governor Ducey's Executive Order on Containing the Spread of COVID-19, Continuing Arizona Mitigation Efforts. As of June 24, no information has been posted to the county's website regarding a decision.
Counties and Native Communities encouraging face mask use
Ak-Chin Indian Community
"We encourage each and every one of you to continue to; wear your face masks at all times if possible, in particular when you are outside of your home. We would also like to request that you limit your place of togetherness just to a couple of people."
Bullhead City
"Governor Ducey has left it up to the cities and counties to decide whether wearing face masks is required in our communities,” said Bullhead City Mayor Tom Brady. “In agreement with our neighboring cities and the county, we are not making it mandatory to wear a mask in public; however, we strongly advise wearing a face covering if you are unable to physically distance yourself from others. After discussions with county health and hospital officials, we are not in a ‘crisis level’ of emergency to mandate anything at this time."
Read more about the city's COVID-19 updates.
Cochise County
"While the Cochise County Board of Supervisors is not mandating the wearing of face coverings in public, it is strongly encouraging residents to follow current health guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID-19," stated officials.
“To arbitrarily put out an ordinance would not be right at this time,” said Supervisor Tom Borer. “I think we need to look for ways to boost our campaign messaging.”
Navajo County
Pinal County
Chairman of the Board Anthony Smith commented, "The health, safety, and welfare of our citizens are our primary concerns. I encourage all residents and visitors to Pinal County to wear a face mask when in public. With this added precaution, businesses should remain open, and the spread of the COVID-19 virus will be contained."
Yavapai County
“We must continue to monitor positive test results as well as hospital and respirator availability. We are not going to mandate mask-wearing, but we strongly encourage everyone to wear a mask when in public and in enclosed areas," stated Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Chairman Craig Brown.
Cities encouraging face mask use
"While the Mayor will not mandate the wearing of face masks at this time, we will continue to encourage personal responsibility in best practices to avoid infection. This includes the recommendation to practice social distancing, to wear masks when you cannot properly social distance, such as in stores and crowded areas, to engage in proper sanitation measures, washing your hands frequently and using hand sanitizer when soap and water isn’t readily available, and to stay home when ill."
Bullhead City
“Governor Ducey has left it up to the cities and counties to decide whether wearing face masks is required in our communities,” said Bullhead City Mayor Tom Brady. “In agreement with our neighboring cities and the county, we are not making it mandatory to wear a mask in public; however, we strongly advise wearing a face covering if you are unable to physically distance yourself from others. After discussions with county health and hospital officials, we are not in a ‘crisis level’ of emergency to mandate anything at this time."
El Mirage
The City of El Mirage is strongly encouraging the use of face coverings in public spaces when social distancing of at least six feet is not possible.
“With the rise of COVID-19 cases, growing concern for the El Mirage community has been continuously top of mind,” stated Mayor Alexis Hermosillo, “It is imperative that our community play an active role in promoting an environment that is safe for everyone and strongly encourage residents and guests to wear a mask and practice physical distancing. I am calling on every person in our City to contribute to keeping each other healthy and safe, and utilize the tools provided by the City to make this possible.”
As part of Maricopa County, El Mirage also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
"Wear a cloth face covering in public. You're protecting yourself, your family, and others in the event you are infected and don't have any symptoms," was posted on the City of Eloy's Facebook page.
The town is strongly encouraging and requesting residents to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.
"I believe in ensuring that people have accurate and correct information, with the ability to make informed decisions. Also, wearing a mask is a small thing that each of us can do to protect the most vulnerable in our community. The Governor said that he would like to see every Arizonan wear a mask. I too would like to see us Florencians wear a mask, especially when unable to socially distance from others around us. As a reminder, all of Arizona's businesses, non-profits, and institutions are required to establish these new and updated guidelines for our well being, per Governor Ducey. As always, we will continue to monitor and communicate our Covid-19 cases/information, in addition to any other pertinent information," stated Mayor Tara Walter.
Lake Havasu City
“We are grateful to Governor Ducey for the flexibility to make local decisions that meet the health needs of our community,” said Mayor Cal Sheehy. “We will continue to monitor cases in Lake Havasu City and make the best decisions based on data for the health and safety of our citizens. In an effort to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 we encourage citizens and visitors to follow the guidance and wear face covering when unable to physically distance.”
"Following the Governor’s Executive Order (2020-40), the Mayor and City Council strongly encourage residents to wear masks when in public and visiting businesses," officials said on Twitter.
During an interview with Arizona Public Media, Mayor Ed Honea said he encourages town residents to wear a mask in public.
"The Town strongly encourages that individuals over the age of two wear face coverings in public, however, the Town will not be issuing a legal mandate requiring it," stated officials.
"Last week, our office received an email from a reader asking us to explain why wearing a face covering in public is important. While many people may think they are protecting themselves by wearing a mask or face covering, the more important benefit is that it protects those around us. The use of face coverings can help slow the spread of COVID-19 or any other airborne virus. These diseases are most often spread from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. So, while social distancing when in public is still the most effective way to control the spread, the use of face coverings adds another layer of protection, particularly if both parties who come into contact with each other are properly wearing them. You can learn more about this topic by visiting the CDC website. And, thank you to the gentleman who suggested we share this information.," stated Keith Johnson, Town Manager.
Read more about the town's mask and social distancing requirements.
Show Low
"We urge all residents and businesses in the strongest terms possible to follow the guidelines from the Governor as outlined in his requirements for businesses, including requiring face coverings when physical distancing is not feasible and to implement and enforce a policy for use of face coverings by employees and customers. Those with qualifying medical conditions may be exempt. In essence, we are asking our local citizens and businesses to step up their game and voluntarily follow the requirements of the order."
Read more about the city's decision at
Sun City
"Minimize your risk by following recommendations," was stated on Sun City's Facebook page.
As part of Maricopa County, Sun City also falls under rules set by Maricopa County on use of face coverings.
"I reached out to our legal counsel for guidance as well as county supervisor Clint Hickman, who represents our district. They have both confirmed that the proclamation applies to all Wickenburg residents, businesses, and government offices," stated Mayor Rui Pereira. "While I personally do believe masks are helpful and I strongly encourage those who can wear them to do
so, I also believe in a person’s individual rights. Wickenburg has always looked at the health and welfare of our
community and know our residents will want to do their part to keep us all safe."
Read the mayor's announcement regarding masks at
No face mask requirements:
Apache Junction
Apache Junction will not mandate masks
The decision comes as many other Valley cities are implementing such mandates. The town's mayor says wearing a mask or not is up to the individual.
“I've stated this is up to the individual. If you feel you're at risk, stay home. I also hope that folks don't get upset at businesses that require PPEs, as that is their right also. People need to take responsibility for their own lives. I think it's sad that some put their safety in the hands of a mayor, councilmember or governor. We must learn to live in the modern world on our own eventually. There are always going to be risks and illnesses out there and we'll get through it. Also, everyone is essential and every job is essential to providing for a household. I recommend that you keep a mask on hand, in your vehicle or office, in case you visit a business or other facility where they are required," stated Mayor Jeff Serdy.
While Maricopa County officials have implemented a county-wide mandate, a spokesperson with the City of Apache Junction told FOX 10 that Apache Junction is in Pinal County, and that county did not vote on any mandate of the kind.
Cave Creek
In a Facebook comment on June 18, the Town of Cave Creek stated, "At this time the Town has no mandatory mask policy."

Chino Valley
"While we will not mandate the wearing of face masks at this time, we encourage the citizens of Chino Valley to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. We urge all to practice social distancing, wear facemasks when in public, avoid large gatherings, and wash hands and use hand sanitizer when soap and water isn’t readily available," stated Chino Valley Mayor Darryl Croft.
"At this time the Town of Duncan is not mandating the wearing of face masks," stated Mayor Anne Thurman. "There are many benefits to living in a rural community. One being that we have a history of taking care of each other in times of difficultly. We would also ask that if a business or establishment asks that you wear a mask in their building, you would please respect their choices."
Read more on the Town of Duncan Facebook page.
"There are many individuals that risk serious peril if they were to contract the virus. Those individuals should take extreme precautions. I certainly would were I in their position. In fact, I would invite those individuals to please stay home and not attend our festivities. But don’t ask that the government require it of healthy law-abiding citizens. If an individual is fearful of contracting the virus, I would invite that individual to take every precaution they deem fit; including wearing masks, gloves, or a variety of other personal protective equipment. Those precautions do not harm me and I will not judge you adversely for doing what you feel is best for you. But don’t ask that the government require it of healthy law-abiding citizens," stated Mayor Bryce Hamblin.
Huachuca City
"I will not be issuing a proclamation that makes the use of face coverings in public mandatory within Huachuca City. It is your personal choice to wear one, or not. We all understand the risk and subsequent guidelines that have been published, stated Mayor Johann Wallace.
"For my part I am going to have a mask with me at all times. If I find myself in a situation where I can’t physically distance, I will wear it. I will wear my mask in stores and other places where I know I cannot physically distance," stated Mayor Greg Mengarelli. "In coordination with Yavapai Community Health Services, I will not create any new policies or requirements of our citizens at this time. However, I strongly urge citizens to follow the protocols set forth by the County, and the Arizona Department of Health Services."
Prescott Valley
Queen Creek
The Town of Queen Creek recommends the use of face coverings in public, however, they are not required.
“As the Governor mentioned during his press conference, it is the personal responsibility of Arizonans to protect themselves from COVID-19,” said Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney. “With the increase in COVID-19 cases in Arizona, we encourage residents to observe healthy behaviors to help slow the spread.”
“We trust that our community members will make responsible choices, and we won’t be making any new laws concerning face coverings at this time," stated Mayor Tom Murphy.
Sierra Vista
The City of Sierra Vista will continue to recommend the use of face coverings in public when social distancing is difficult but will not require their use.
“While we have had COVID-19 cases confirmed in the Sierra Vista area, our city is not one of the hot spots seeing a surge in new cases,” Sierra Vista Mayor Rick Mueller says. “We will not at this time require the use of face coverings in Sierra Vista. Wearing face coverings remains highly recommended, not required.”
While the town is not requiring masks in public, they are asking people to show respect for those that choose to wear or not wear masks and the merchants that require you to wear them in their place of business.
Mayor Lynn Johnson stated,” As we begin to re-open society with continued restrictions imposed due to Covid-19, let us take responsibility for our own health and that of others. The government has established guidelines, requirements, and restrictions but more importantly we all have a personal responsibility for our own health and those that we come in contact with. Be good and responsible citizens."
"At this time we do not feel we need to put forth a Town ordinance requiring face masks in public areas. We want to remind our visitors and citizens to follow the guidelines set forth by the County Public Health Department, AZ Dept of Health Services and The Center for Disease Control and Prevention," stated Mayor Phil Hanson, Jr.
This is a developing story. Stay with FOX 10 for the latest updates.
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Continuing Coverage
Arizona Gov. Ducey to allow local governments to draft their own face mask policies as COVID-19 cases spike
Local governments within Arizona will be now allowed to set their own rules regarding the use of face masks. Gov. Doug Ducey made the announcement during a news conference Wednesday afternoon.
Arizona jump in COVID-19 case count sets daily high record
Arizona set another daily record for new COVID-19 cases, with another 2,500 additional positive tests as of June 18. This comes a day after Doug Ducey allowed local governments to mandate face masks.
No mask, no service: Arizona restaurant group to require its customers to wear masks
Employees with LGO Hospitality have already been wearing masks for months. Now, the rule will extend to its customers. FOX 10's Brian Webb caught up with some of the business's patrons.
In order to protect yourself from a possible infection, the CDC recommends:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.