Latino Trump supporter's 'taco truck' warning gets mocked

It's a statement that has gone viral and incited all kinds of reaction.

In an interview on a cable news channel on Thursday night, the founder of the group 'Latinos for Trump' attempted to issue an anti-immigration warning of sorts but it did not have the effect he was probably hoping for.

Marco Gutierrez said,"My culture is a very dominant culture, and it's imposing and it's causing problems. If you don't do something about it, you're going to have taco trucks on every corner."

The phrase "Taco trucks on every corner" is now even put on the marquee of the Arizona Democratic Party building.

While some people are poking fun at the comment and think it is actually a great idea, some who work in the industry are taking offense.

"We're proud of being people that know how to prepare food," said Esther Franco of Ralph's Snack Bar.

'Latinos for Trump' co-founder Marco Gutierrez making controversial comments saying if Trump is not elected president there will be taco trucks on every corner.

Since then hundreds of tweets and social media posts have been popping up with #tacotrucksoneverycorner.

The Arizona Democratic Party even posting it on their marquee and apparently some people do not think taco trucks on every corner is a bad idea.

"So you're saying if there was a taco truck on every single corner...That's fine with me."

"Let's say you're like really busy and it's 10:00 in the morning and you're not prepared to make breakfast or something, you go to a taco truck and you get it prepared in what.. five minutes."

Some are taking offense to the comment. One of those people is Esther Franco with Ralph's Snack Bar. She says they take pride in their authentic Mexican food and it should not be turned into a joke.

"From the beef we make green chili tacos and we make different types of red chili meat. For the chicken we make plain chicken or fajitas."

Franco says tacos are just one of the many Mexican traditions that have added to food culture in America that everyone can enjoy, Democrat or Republican.

"We're more than that, we're more than just a lunch truck, or a construction worker or a drug dealer."
Party officials with the Arizona Democratic Party say there will be a taco truck on the property on Saturday.

The event is correlating with their voter registration and voter outreach event.

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