In-person learning pushed back to Aug. 17, schools prep for virtual learning
With in-person learning pushed back until August 17, school districts scramble to figure out a plan
Governor Doug Ducey announced that in-person learning would be pushed back until August 17, however, virtual learning can begin earlier. Now school districts need to figure out what their upcoming school years will look like.
PHOENIX - Having students in the classroom was put on hold until at least August 7 by Governor Doug Ducey on Monday.
Kerri Kaplan, a 5th-grade teacher in the Paradise Valley Unified School District, says she is relieved.
"It's a huge population we're bringing back into buildings and all it's going to take is one or two and it would be a nightmare," Kaplan said.
Kaplan was due back at Mercury Mine Elementary School on Monday, June 29 to teach summer school with a reduced class size of eight.
The class will now go virtual which takes care of one challenge already cropping up with a few parents who didn't want their children wearing a mask.
"They didn't believe it was necessary. It was against their beliefs and no one could make them," Kaplan said.
The governor's executive order delaying in-person classes means summer school is now shifted to virtual learning. But the school year remains in limbo and dozens of districts across the state are looking for their plan B. Many are still working out the details.
"I don't know what this school year is going to look like. I know my children are not excited about having to do online learning if that's what the district and the state are going to require. They miss their friends, their teachers," said Lori Hutchinson, a parent.
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