High-tech surgery stops the shakes from Parkinsons
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - The recent death of boxer Muhammad Ali has put Parkinson's Disease in the spotlight. Ali suffered from the disease for decades. Now a Valley woman has undergone a life-changing surgery that is helping her battle the tremors and shakes.
Cyndi Carver's tremors were such a problem she struggled to get a glass of water, drink it, or even use a pair of scissors. But then two months ago she became the 500th patient to undergo DBS or deep brain stimulation surgery at Barrow Neurological Institute.
The surgery places a tiny wire deep into the brain that delivers little electric pulses from a battery concealed under the skin up and into precisely the right place to stop the shakes.
"So this is like a pacemaker resetting circuits in the brain resetting it so the brain can it can start functioning normally," said Dr. Francisco Ponce.
Without the implant, Cyndi is all over the place as she tries to follow a spiral, as she works with Dr. Tsinsue Chen. But when it's turned on, look at the difference, the control is back.
"I am back to doing my quilting fine handwork again no problems it has been a wonderful procedure to have had done Dr. Ponce is wonderful very thankful he has done this for me," said Cyndi Carver.
"It is incredibly rewarding. The way I look at it, this is brain surgery for quality of life. We are giving patients their body control they've never had before and people never come in and say I wish I waited for this. They say I wish I 'd done this earlier," said Ponce.