'He’s giving me a 2nd chance at life': Kingman pastor donating kidney to member of his congregation

During Thanksgiving, people often hear the words gratitude, blessing, and appreciation on social media and around the dinner table.

A story out of northwestern Arizona, however, should make people think about the meaning behind those words, as well as the actions that bring them to life.

Wait for life-saving gift almost over for Kingman family

According to the website organdonor.gov, over 100,000 men, women, and children are on the National Transplant Waiting List, and every eight minutes, another person is added to the waiting list.

Among those on the waiting list, over 80,000 are in need of a kidney, and thanks to a man who is truly practicing what he preaches, the wait for a new kidney is almost over for one family in Kingman.

Amador Alvarado says he’s normally reluctant to go to the doctor, but extreme pain led him to the ER three years ago.

"It felt weird. It felt different," said Amador. "It just wasn’t normal."

Doctors later gave Alvarado some life-altering news.

"I'm sitting there, and the doctor comes in and he goes, ‘well, I got bad news. Your kidneys aren’t functioning, and you’re gonna have to go on dialysis,’" Amador recounted.

Immediately, there was a flood of emotions, as well as questions.

"What am I gonna do? You know, I got to go to work. I got to support my family," Amador recounted. "Am I going to die?"

Amador's pastor gives life-saving gift

Dialysis eventually became a part of Amador’s daily life, taking up eight hours every day. In Spring 2024, however, he brought his trials to an associate pastor at his church, John Dibert, asking if he could pass along his status on the donor list and see if a potential donor could be found among the congregation.

"I actually spent a few days praying about it, thinking about how I might go about doing that and while I was in consideration of how I might go about making other guys aware of it, I just started to think ‘well, why can’t I do it?’" said Journey Church Kingman Associate Pastor John Dibert.

Pastor John found out he was a match for Amador, and when he shared his plans to donate one of his kidneys, Amador says he was overwhelmed.

"Here stood a man that I admired and that I looked up to in church, and I believe John is doing God’s work," said Amador. "I think he was sent to me. You know, he’s giving me a second chance at life."

Pastor John says it was not a difficult decision on his end.

"It’s definitely not something that everybody would feel comfortable doing, but we’re called to do things differently in the church," said the pastor.

Answering the call has forever bonded Pastor John and Amador.

"I can’t even find the words to express the gratitude, the appreciation, the love I have for this man," said Amador.

Amador’s message to others is to never hesitate to put your health first, and get checked out if you ever have any concerns about pain or other symptoms. as for the transplant surgery, it is scheduled for the first week of December at the Mayo Clinic.

American Kidney Fund - Transplant Waiting List

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