Dozens of bills vetoed by Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs: here's a list of her vetoes
Arizona State Capitol
PHOENIX - In her first year as governor, Katie Hobbs has vetoed dozens of bills that were passed by members of the Arizona State Legislature.
The bills cover a variety of topics, some of which are related to elections.
Here's what you should know.
What are the bills that Gov. Hobbs vetoed?
The following is a list of bills vetoed by Gov. Hobbs since February 2023.
June 20
- HB2802, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the State Legislature, establishes specific sentencing ranges for "persons convicted of possession of a narcotic drug for sale, the possession of equipment or chemicals for the purpose of manufacturing a narcotic drug, manufacture of a narcotic drug or the transportation for sale of a narcotic drug if the offense involves a single unit dose that contains two or more milligrams of fentanyl," in addition to establishing and defining "drug-free neighborhood zones," and prescribing penalties and fines associated with selling or transferring fentanyl in such zones.
- SB1095, a bill that requires the envelope accompanying early ballot to "state substantially" that dropping off an early ballot after the Friday before the election "may result in delayed results as each ballot requires verification."
- SB1106, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, establishes standards for a social media platform in relation to "de-platforming candidates," as well as "penalties for state employees, legal remedies to a violation of standards and publishing requirements."
- SB1151, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, outlines requirements for a court to "assess the value of a business interest for the purposes of determining the community share to be paid to a specified spouse" after a divorce petition is served.
- SB1175, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, expands access to precinct registers and information derived from voter registration forms, beginning on Jan. 1, 2024. The bill also outlines procedures for a hand recount audit "if a political party provides an insufficient number of board workers to conduct the hand count audit," and allows political party challengers and observers to be designated for "specified locations."
- SB1301, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires all law enforcement misconduct investigations where a notice of an allegation misconduct was received before Sept. 24, 2022 to be completed within one yer of the general effective date of the bill, with some exceptions.
- SB1332, a bill that would have made the "cast vote record" of every election public record. "Cast vote record" is defined in the bill as "electronic records available within an election management system that shows how the votes were cast on each anonymous ballot for each race, and that allows for verification of the accumulated vote totals for each candidate or issue, together with a summary report for each batch for counties whose election management system does not tie images of electronically adjudicated ballots to underlying original ballot images."
- SB1408, a bill that would have made it a felony for a person to "use a telephone or computer application or program to knowingly assist in the smuggling of human beings."
- SB1410, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, required a school district's governing board to establish a mechanism to "receive and investigate parent complaints for alleged violations of a parent's or student's rights," as well as outlining reporting requirements related to parent complaints for governing boards and the Arizona Department of Education.
- SB1435, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, required the Arizona Supreme Court to license attorneys in Arizona, and bans the Supreme Court from "requiring an attorney to be a member of any organization in order to become or remain a licensed attorney in Arizona."
- SB1471, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would have required the officer in charge of elections in a county with a population of 2,000,000 people or more to, by Sept. 1, 2023, "randomly select 400 random ballots and recount all races," as well as allowing the the officer in charge of elections in a county with a population of 400,000 persons or more to "elect to participate in the hand count comparison."
- SB1583, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, required a level one sex offender who commits eight specified sexual offenses to be required to register on the internet sex offender website, if the offender was sentenced for what is known as a Dangerous Crime Against Children.
- SB1588, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission to implement the State, County and Municipal Open Data System on its website, and in a format that is readily accessible to the public. The bill also changes how an approximately $1.36 million appropriation made in the Fiscal Year 2024 state budget for firearms training simulators may be used.
- SB1595, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, creates additional requirements for an early ballot to be counted and valid. The bill would have required a voter to "present valid identification by the prescribed days after an election for a ballot that was delivered by a voter's agents or a voter who does not provide sufficient identification," removes a legal provision that required the early voting period to end on 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before Election Day, and deems the early ballot of a voter "who is issued an early ballot during the early voting period after confirming identification and stamped as ready for tabulating."
- SB1596, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, required a state, county, city, town or school district office to "provide sufficient space for use as a polling place for an election when requested by the officer in charge of elections."
- SB1598, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, "allows a candidate for federal office to designate a representative who may act as an observer at a counting center."
- SB1658, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans a business or government entity in ARizona from entering into an agreement with a company if the company in question "would be able to access or control critical infrastructure in Arizona and is owned or controlled by citizens or the government of, or headquartered in, China, Iran, North Korea or Russia," unless the Federal Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States determines there are no unresolved national security concerns.
June 16
- HB2722, a bill that would have allowed a "county recorder or any person who is designated by the board of supervisors" to count, by hand, all ballots or any randomly selected portion of ballots in an election.
- HB2786, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would require a school district governing board to "provide prescribed information in electronic form," as well as requiring that a governing board and charter school governing body to "adopt procedures for parental notification of and access to teacher and administrator training."
- SB1026, a bill that would have banned state tax dollars, state money, or federal money passing through the Arizona State Treasury from being used by "any person or entity, including state-funded institution or facility, for a drag show targeting minors," as well as banning the state from distributing state tax dollars, state money, or federal money passing through the Arizona State Treasury to such persons or entities, and bans the state, as well as cities, towns, counties, school districts or other public bodies from receiving or using "private monies for a drag show targeting minors."
- SB1028, a bill that would have banned a person or business from engaging in "adult cabaret performance" in a public property or a location where a person "knows or has reason to know that the adult cabaret performance could be viewed by a minor." The bill would have made the first violation of the law a misdemeanor, and subsequent violations a felony.
- SB1030, a bill that would have required a county's board of supervisors to "provide for the regulation and use of business licenses, adult oriented business manager permits and adult service provider permits in conjunction with the establishment or operation of adult oriented businesses and facilities, including "establishments that conduct sexually explicit performances."
- SB1500, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires a fiduciary to only take into account "pecuniary factors when evaluating an investment or discharging the fiduciary's duties with respect to a plan and outlines plan voting of ownership interests and proxy voting," and bans a governmental entity from "granting any proxy voting authority to any person who is not a part of the governmental entity, unless that person follows guidelines consistent with the governmental entity's obligation to act based only on pecuniary factors."
- SB1611, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans a public entity from "requiring a company to implement an environmental, social or governance standards policy as a condition of entering into or renewing a contract."
- SB1698, a bill that would have made it a felony for a person to allow a minor under the person's custody or control to view an adult oriented performance or enter an adult oriented business, allow such minors to enter or remain in an adult oriented business or a building or part of a building where an adult oriented performance is occurring, or to perform (or allow another person, if the other person is under control or custody of the person allowing the performance, to perform) an adult oriented performance in view of a minor. Under the bill, a person could have faced a 10-year prison sentence if they violated the law, and would also be required to register as a sex offender. This bill, along with SB1026, SB1028 and SB1030, are considered by some to be bills that target drag shows.
June 8
- SB1040, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires a public school in the state to provide access to a "single-occupancy or employee restroom or changing facility to a person who is unwilling or unable to use a multi-occupancy restroom or changing facility designated for the person's sex or multi-occupancy sleeping quarters." In addition, the bill grants a private cause of action against the public school to a person who "encounters a person of the opposite sex in specified areas."
- SB1213, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires the Secretary of State's official instructions and procedures manual, also known as EPM, to be submitted to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, in addition to the Governor and the Attorney General, for review and approval prior to the manual being issued.
- SB1243, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, repeals the individual Credit for Contributions to Certified School Tuition Organizations, otherwise known as the Switcher Credit. The bill would also have, starting in the 2024 tax year, increases the cap on the individual Credit for Contributions to School Tuition Organizations from $655 to $1,456 for a single individual or head of household, and from $1,308 to $2,902 for a married couple filing jointly.
- SB1264, a bill that would ban an individual who is an elected election officer, or a "political appointee of an elected election officer who oversees any matter with which the individual is directly concerned, and in which the individual has personally participated during the individual's employment or service by a substantial and material exercise of administrative discretion over any aspect of election operations" from being the chairperson, treasurer or other member of a Political Action Committee. The bill would not have applied to an individual membership in a candidate committee for that person's own candidacy.
- SB1597, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would have required, by the 2024 General Election, that the recorder of a county with a population of 500,000 or more to provide for a "method for an elector to have the elector's completed early ballot tabulated on site at a minimum of one polling place in each legislative district."
June 5
- SB1146, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires the state's Board of Investments to identify American companies that "donate to or invest in organizations that promote, facilitate or advocate for abortions for minors or for the inclusion of, or the referral of students to, sexually explicit material in grades K-12," as well as requiring the State Treasurer to diverse from the companies identified.
- SB1201, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans a county recorder or an officer in charge of elections from "comparing the signatures on the voter's early ballot affidavit with the signatures from the electronic pollbook."
- SB1265, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires a person who receives the "highest number of legal votes in an election" to be declared elected, and bans voting methods or nomination processes that "includes the ranking of candidates or allows candidates to be eliminated through multiple rounds of tabulation."
- SB1268, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, increases the percentage of property owners required to circulate and file petitions to a county recorder's office for the purpose of "extending and increasing the corporate limits of a city or town by annexation" to 60%. The current threshold is 50%.
- SB1277, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, makes it illegal for a person to use an unmanned aircraft or unmanned aircraft system to "intentionally photograph, record or otherwise observe another person in a private place where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy."
- SB1413, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, requires a county, city or town to notify an owner after receiving a report about the existence of a homeless encampment. If the removal doesn't happen within 24 hours, the city or town shall claim the property and retain it for 14 days; people living at the encampment located on private property are guilty of trespassing.
- SB1696, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans the state, a state agency, city, town, county, or their contractors from "exposing minors to sexually explicit materials," as well as classifying "exposing minors to sexually explicit materials" as a felony.
May 26
- SB1066, a bill that will require "any nongovernmental person or entity that mails an election-related document or a document that resembles an official election-related document from the county recorder or county officer in charge of elections or the Secretary of State, including a voter registration application or an early ballot request," to include the words "Not From A Government Agency" on the outside of the envelope.
- SB1105, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, will require county recorders to "provide for a method for an elector to have the elector's completed early ballot tabulated on site at a polling place or voting center," in accordance to outlined requirements.
- SB1135, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans the state, as well as any political subdivisions within the state, from being a member of any "multistate voter registration or voter registration list maintenance organization." The bill also prescribes modifications to inactive voter lists, instructions on the head of a ballot and ballot requirements for certain active management areas, and will allow early ballots "not delivered or mailed to the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections to be exchanged by the voter at a polling place or voting center by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day."
- SB1180, a bill that bans people from paying or receiving "money or any other things of value," based on the number of voter registrations or voter registration forms that were "collected, completed or submitted."
- SB1234, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans local authorities from "using a photo enforcement system to identify violators of laws or ordinances relating to excessive speed or failure to obey a traffic control device."
May 22
- HB2560, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, directs the County Recorder to transmit to the Secretary of State for posting on a secure website, a list of all registered voters before an election, a list of all persons who voted in the election, the unaltered images of ballots used to tabulate election results, and the cast vote record in a sortable format.
- HB2108, a bill that, among other things, requires a person to conduct at least five work search actions per week in order to qualify for unemployment benefits. This represents a change from the current requirement of one job contact per day on four different days of the week.
- HB2441, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, contains a that requires a city or town that provides water service in a country with a population of over 1.5 million to "execute a treat and transport agreement with one or more third parties for a period of at least three years, treat and transport water to a standpipe and allow use of the standpipe for water to be hauled to residences that are outside the city's or town's water service area if outlined conditions are met." This bill is related to the ongoing Rio Verde water crisis.
- SB1001, a bill that bans "an employee or independent contractor of a school district or charter school" from "knowingly address, identify or refer to a student who is under eighteen years of age by a pronoun that differs from the pronoun that aligns with the student's biological sex, unless the school district or charter school receives written permission from the student's parent."
- SB1011, a bill that allows a city or town to hold partisan elections for elected municipal positions.
- SB1025, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans municipally-designated, commercial tourism, commercial resort and hotel sign free zone from exceeding 10% of the total area of the city.
- SB1048, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, increases the aggregate amount of contributions from an in-state individual that a committee campaign finance report must include, as well as requiring contributions from individuals registered as lobbyists for compensation to be included in finance reports.
- SB1100, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, changes the definition of an all-terrain vehicle for vehicle license tax requirements by increasing the maximum unladen weight of such vehicles from 2,500 lbs to 3,500 lbs.
May 17
- HB2444, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would establish a Natural Resource Conservation District Fund and a Natural Resource Conservation District Fund Commission.
- HB2312, a bill that would make a facility whose "sole purpose is to provide a safe and stable shelter to women or women with minor children" not liable for gender discrimination if they do not allow a biologically male employee to be in the presence of a woman or the woman's minor children who are living in the facility.
- HB2428, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would authorize a degree-granting private postsecondary education institution to implement an Arizona Teachers Academy, with a cap on an individual's scholarship.
- HB2667, a bill that would ban the governing board of a university, college or community from enacting or enforcing any policy or rule that "prohibits the possession of a concealed weapon by a person who possesses a valid permit."
- HB2544, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, exempts a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is modified in Arizona and remains within the state's borders from federal law or federal regulation. "Modified" is defined in the bill as a modification that is made to a firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition by a qualified gunsmith.
- HB2613, a bill that, starting on New Year's Day 2028, bans the state's Secretary of State from certifying vote recording and vote tabulation machines unless 100% of the machine's parts and components are sourced from the U.S., and 100% of the machine's manufacturing and Assembly is performed in the U.S.
May 9
- SB1255, a bill that requires the Legislature to ratify any proposed rule that is estimated to increase regulatory costs in the state by more than $500,000 within five years after the rule is implemented.
- SB1252, a bill that, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would establish an independent oversight committee to "review fatalities and near fatalities resulting from abuse and neglect."
April 18
- SB1455, a bill that makes minor changes to existing laws regarding when a political office is deemed to be vacant.
- SB1565, an election-related bill that, among other things, bans artificial intelligence from machines, devices, firmware or software used in an election.
- HB2394, a bill that adds to an existing ban on the Arizona State Government from "using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with any action, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the United States government that is inconsistent with any law of this state regarding the regulation of firearms," to include "any tax, levy, fee or stamp imposed on firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition not common to other goods and services."
- HB2691, an election-related bill that requires a county's board of supervisors to provide a chain of custody record for every ballot printed, beginning at the printing location.
- HB2474, a bill that adds to a list of immunizations not required for school attendance by including "immunization for which a United States Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization has been issued."
- SB1101, a bill that makes an amendment to current law regarding authorized third-party driver license providers in Arizona.
- SB1091, a bill that allows non-contracted private or non-profit entities to provide eligible prison inmates with transition services.
- HB2379, a bill that bans cities or towns in Arizona from requiring a hotel or motel to take part in "any program that houses homeless individuals or families in an unoccupied hotel or motel guest room through the use of a housing voucher."
- SB1262, a bill that allows a court, when requested by the state or the probation department, to issue an arrest warrant without delay in order to re-arrest a person who is "charged by indictment or information with a felony offense that was committed while the defendant is on probation."
- HB2509, a bill that deals with the sale of cottage food.
April 17
- HB2332, which requires school districts and charter schools to provide students from grades six to 12 with age-appropriate training sessions in firearms safety.
- SB1331, which bans the governing board of an educational institution from adopting or enforcing any policy or rule that "restricts of prohibits the parent or legal guardian of a student of the educational institution from carrying or transporting a firearm on the property of, and in an educational institution if the parent or legal guardian possess a valid concealed weapons permit."
- HB2297, which amends an existing law on fraudulent schemes and artifices by stating that those who are prosecuting others for violating the crime will no longer need to establish that all violating acts occurred within the state, or within a single city, town, county, or local jurisdiction of Arizona.
- HB2319, a bill that amends an existing law on elections by adding a legislative intent to "provide the people of this state with a transparent system for conducting elections," and states that in the event of competing interpretations over the provisions within the existing law, an interpretation that provides greater transparency will be in favor.
April 12
- HB2552, which bans any government entities in Arizona from using a method of voting known as "Ranked Choice Voting."
- HB2675, which designates drug cartels as terrorist organizations.
- HB2754, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, adds nongovernmental organizations in the definition of an enterprise, for the purpose of "determining criminal liability for an enterprise and subjects an enterprise to criminal liability for the offense of participating in a human smuggling organization or operation."
- SB1236, which bans cities and towns from imposing a tax or fee for any person or entity that is running a node on blockchain technology in a residence.
- SB1251, which bans cities and towns from "enacting any ordinance, resolution or policy that prohibits or unduly restricts a person from using a working animal in lawful commerce for an animal enterprise."
April 11
- SB1005, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, bans a court from "granting attorney fees, expenses or damages to a governmental entity or official for a claim or defense asserted pursuant to a parent's ability to bring suit against the governmental entity or official on the grounds that the entity or official interfered with their right to direct the upbringing of their child."
- SB1027, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, classifies the manufacturing of carfentanil, fentanyl, or kinetic substances under circumstances that cause physical injury to a minor under 15 as a class 2 felony and punishable as a dangerous crime against children.
- SB1109, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, removes a device that is designed, made or adapted to muffle the report, or sound, of a firearm from the definition of a prohibited weapon.
- HB2212, which makes a crime to interfere with or "otherwise preventing the performance of a normal function of any utility infrastructure or property or the intended course or path of any utility service."
- HB2442, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, deals with issues related to groundwater.
April 7
- SB1166, which bans public employers from rejecting a job applicant solely for not having a postsecondary degree, with certain exceptions.
April 6
- SB1009, which makes defacing, damaging or tampering with a public or private monument, memorial or statue a crime.
- SB1074, which requires, among other things, that the source codes for electronic equipment used to tabulate votes in Arizona be submitted to the state's Auditor General for inspection by the State Legislature, a county's board of supervisors, or other election officials by request.
- SB1253, which requires a registered sex offender who is also the legal guardian of a student at a public or private school to notify the school of their status as a registered sex offender on an annual basis.
- SB1257, which would set up an assistant director for the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
- SB1428, which bans any local government within Arizona from banning a gun show from taking place within their boundaries, or "enact or enforce any ordinance, rule or policy that primarily affects gun shows and effectively prohibits a gun shot from occurring."
- SB1600, which deals with infants who were born alive during the course of an abortion.
- HB2322, which deals with signature verification on early ballot envelopes.
- HB2415, which would purge voters from the Active Early Voting List if they did not cast an early ballot in all elections for one election cycle.
April 5
- HB2437, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, exempts a transmission line and its associated right-of-way from filing with the Arizona Corporation Commission for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility, provided they are located on land that is owned by the owner of the transmission line.
- HB2477, which affirms "the importance of the Electoral College for presidential elections in this country."
- HB2535, which exempts a well "drilled with the consent of the well owner on private property in an unincorporated area" from municipal regulation, if the area in question is annexed by a city or town after the well has been drilled.
- HB2586, which would require ADOT to display "only messages that are directly related to transportation or highway public safety" on their dynamic message signs, with the exception of displaying Amber Alerts, Silver Alerts, Blue Alerts, and reminders to vote.
April 4
- SB1162, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, would require a county or municipality to allow a home-based business as a use by right, provided certain conditions are met. Use by right is defined in a law dictionary as generally meaning that a use is a ‘permitted’ use, not subject to any conditions, including a conditional use permit.
April 3
- HB2427, which makes assaulting a person while "knowing or having reason to know" that the victim is pregnant a crime of aggravated assault.
- HB2440, which requires public power utilities in the state to prioritize grid reliability and affordability when making decisions regarding "planning investment, procurement and operation of electric generation, transmission, and distribution resources."
- HB2472, which bans the state from requiring a bank or financial institution to "use a social credit score when the bank or financial institution evaluates whether to lend money to a customer."
- HB2056, which deals with water quality control. According to a factsheet published by the legislature, the bill would have exempted "a dry wash, arroyo, swale, gully or rill or other similar erosional feature that is characterized by low volume, infrequent or short duration flows" from the Dredge and Fill Permit Program.
March 30
- SB1024, which would have stopped anyone from erecting makeshift shelters on sidewalks, alleyways, streets, parkways, and other public rights-of-way.
- SB1250, which dealt with matters related to religious exemptions from vaccination.
March 28
- SB1063, which would have banned cities and municipalities from taxing groceries.
- SB1096, which bans a public entity from entering into a contract worth $100,000 or more with a company, unless the contract includes a written certification that the company "does not currently, and agrees for the duration of the contract that it will not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association."
March 9
- SB1305, which bans public schools, school district, state agency, or their employees from teaching a number of concepts that some believe constitute "critical race theory."
March 3
- SB1248, which, according to a factsheet published by the legislature, repeals a requirement for state-regulated health professions that seek an expanded scope of practice to go through what is known as a "statutory sunrise review."
February 23
- SB1184, which, according to an analysis, removes the ability for cities and towns in the state to impose a tax or fee on the business of renting or leasing real property, as well as requiring savings to be passed on to tenants.
February 16
- SB1523 to SB1535: 13 bills that deal with the state's budget for Fiscal Year 2024.
Why were these bills vetoed?

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (From Archive)
For all bills that have been vetoed, the governor sent a letter to leaders of the Arizona State Legislature to explain her reasons behind the veto.
June 20
- HB2802: Gov. Hobbs wrote the bill will criminalize substance use disorder, and that "instead of locking up people who are suffering from the effects of the opioid epidemic, we must prioritize treatment and risk reduction."
- SB1095: Gov. Hobbs states she is "concerned that this bill could have the effect of discouraging voter participation."
- SB1106: "This bill does not attempt to solve any of the real problems social media platforms create."
- SB1151: Gov. Hobbs wrote while she applauds with the bill sponsor's efforts to find a compromise with colleagues from the other party, "the bill's provisions related to child support likely conflict with federal law."
- SB1175: "This bill creates an unfunded mandate for both the State and Counties."
- SB1301: "This bill would unreasonably limit the time local law enforcement needs to adequately complete misconduct investigations."
- SB1332: "Any bill that permits releasing the Cast Vote Record must ensure that a voter's privacy is protected."
- SB1408: "This bill is yet another attempt by the majority to criminalize organizations and individuals who aim to support immigrants and refugees."
- SB1410: Gov. Hobbs wrote that "various avenues already exist to provide parents opportunities to raise concerns and file complaints," and that the bill is an unnecessary mandate on school districts "without further justification on the purpose of collecting this data at the state level."
- SB1435: Gov. Hobbs wrote that the State Bar of Arizona is best equipped to license attorneys, and that the Arizona Supreme Court opposes the measure.
- SB1471: "The 2022 election is settled. It's time to move on and start working to solve the problems faced by everyday Arizonans."
- SB1583: "State law already requires offenders that are deemed the most dangerous to be published on the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Sex Offender Information website. DPS will continue to ensure this information is readily available to the public."
- SB1588: Gov. Hobbs wrote that while she is supportive of the underlying legislation, the bill fell victim to political games. "At the final hour, a nongermane amendment was made which I cannot support," the governor wrote. Gov. Hobbs also wrote that the bill creates an unfunded mandate for the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission.
- SB1595: "This bill fails to meaningfully address the real challenges facing Arizona voters."
- SB1596: "This bill creates an unfunded and untenable mandate for schools and communities. The bill once had an appropriation, demonstrating that it needs funding to be viable. However, it was not included in the budget…"
- SB1598: Gov. Hobbs wrote that she cannot support the bill, as it is "not clear what problem this bill is attempting to address or if any such problem exists."
- SB1658: "This bill creates a presumption that all citizens of certain countries are enemies of the state," wrote Gov. Hobbs. "It would broadly disqualify many Arizonans who are dual citizens and productive members of our economy." Gov. Hobbs also wrote that the bill's broad language would "jeopardize businesses entering the Arizona marnet," and that in cases where national security concerns exist, the federal government is "actively evaluating and intervening to protect our national interests, and the State of ARizona regularly engages with federal officials to evaluate potential threats."
June 16
- HB2722: "Hand-counting ballots is unquestionably less accurate and more time consuming than machine tabulation. Arizona voters deserve to know that their votes are being counted accurately and efficiently."
- HB2786: "School districts and charter schools would be at risk of violating copyright law."
- SB1026, SB1028, SB1030, and SB1698: "Intolerance has no place in Arizona, despite the legislatures' frequent attempts to pass legislation that says otherwise," read a portion of the veto letter. "SB1026, SB1028, SB1030, and SB1698 are attempts to criminalize free expression and ostracize the LGBTQIA+ community both implicitly and explicitly, creating statutory language that could be weaponized by those who choose hate over acceptance."
- SB1500: "Politicizing decisions best made by the state's investment professionals can harm our state's long-term fiscal health."
- SB1611: "I do not believe that tying the hands of the State's procurement and investment professionals is in the best interests of the people of Arizona."
June 8
- SB1040: The bill was criticized by Gov. Hobbs as "yet another discriminatory act against LGBTQ+ youth passed by the majority at the state legislature." The governor added that she will "veto every bill that aims to attack and harm children."
- SB1213: Gov. Hobbs wrote that "Arizonans are tired of the Legislature meddling with Arizona's elections," and that the bill is "yet another example of the kind of legislative interference that Arizonans have rejected."
- SB1243: The bill, according to Gov. Hobbs, "enables excessive spending that forces taxpayers to pay for private school tuition and diverts much-needed funding from our public schools."
- SB1264: "There are few, if any, examples of election-related issues created by elected election officers or their appointees being involved in political action committees."
- SB1597: "On-site tabulation of early ballots presents significant logistical and cost challenges for election administrators that are left unresolved by this bill."
June 5
- SB1146: "It is the State Treasurer's responsibility to protect the best interest of taxpayer dollars and the state's strategic investments. SB1146 needlessly politicizes decisions best made by the professional portfolio managers at the Treasurer's office."
- SB1201: "This bill is a solution in search of a problem and would create real challenges for Arizona's elections."
- SB1265: Gov. Hobbs wrote that the bill contains the same provisions as HB2552, which was also vetoed.
- SB1268: Gov. Hobbs wrote annexation is important for the successful development of Arizona's communities. "This bill undermines that and the voices of property owners, when in a majority, wish to be annexed into the communities that surround them."
- SB1277: Gov. Hobbs wrote that the bill would "negatively affect and restrict the work of broadcasters, newspapers, telecommunications and insurance providers in Arizona," and that current law "already protects Arizonans from the types of privacy violation that [the person who introduced the bill] is targeting."
- SB1413: "People become and remain unsheltered for a variety of reasons. This legislation addresses none of those root causes, offers no pathways to assistance, and effectively criminalizes experiencing homelessness.
- SB1696: Gov. Hobbs wrote that while she agrees not all content is appropriate for minors, the bill is a poor way to address those concerns. "[The person who introduced the bill] has stated that this bill was aimed at preventing a specific action from reoccurring, while in reality it is written in such a vague manner that it serves as little more than a thinly veiled effort to ban books."
May 26
- SB1066: "While I am generally supportive of disclosure in this context, I believe that the specific requirements around text size within this bill create an unreasonable burden on those who are trying to improve voting access in Arizona."
- SB1105: "The requirements of this bill would be very difficult for election officials to implement, creating logistical challenges to the administration of free and fair elections in Arizona."
- SB1135: "This bill would prohibit Arizona from remaining a part of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which is an essential tool in ensuring accurate voter registration rolls in Arizona and across the country. It is unfortunate that many Republicans in the Legislature continue to fan the flames of false allegations of voter fraud, yet send to my desk a bill that would prevent Arizona from joining organizations that actually help improve the integrity of our elections."
- SB1180: "It's clear to me that this bill is an effort by the sponsor to make what he believes are necessary changes to law. I disagree, however, and do not believe that this bill is the right solution."
- SB1234: "The bill's ban of photo radar would eliminate an important tool for law enforcement that allows for a more efficient allocation of limited police resources."
May 22
- HB2560: "…this bill threatens anonymity and privacy - core tenants of free and fair voting in our democracy." Gov. Hobbs also wrote that the bill "places a burdensome, unfunded mandate on our election officials."
- HB2108: "This legislation creates additional barriers for workers and unnecessary costs for the State."
- HB2441: "This bill fails to provide an immediate solution, as it passed without an emergency clause on the eve of a month-long adjournment which will only cause continued delay." In the same letter, Gov. Hobbs urged lawmakers to pass a bill that she calls "a bipartisan solution that was voted out of the House with supermajority support": HB2561. She said HB2561 contains an emergency clause with immediate effect.
- SB1001: "I have a clear message to the people of Arizona: I will veto every bill that aims to attack and harm children."
- SB1011: "…Arizona's communities are simply not asking for their local elections to be partisan affairs."
- SB1025: "It is unclear what problem this bill aims to solve - Arizonans are not asking for more campaign signs in their communities."
- SB1048: "While I appreciate the provision aimed at adding transparency to donations from lobbyists, other provisions in the bill would reduce transparency in campaign finance and would likely apply to far more donors."
- SB1100: "I encourage the Legislature to work with my administration to explore current challenges with Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) and recommend mitigation strategies to minimize the impact and destruction of off-trails before increasing the weight limits."
May 17
- HB2444: "…this bill would create a new Commission, requiring substantial administrative support from the State Land Department, without providing any funding to this agency."
- HB2312: "Instead of improving or facilitating access to the resources that victims need, this misguided and unnecessary legislation merely allows providers to discriminate on the basis of sex."
- HB2428: "…this bill did not include an appropriation to support its implementation."
- HB2667: "This bill would allow concealed weapons to be carried or stored on campus, which could lead to greater anxiety among students, staff and faculty. It may also lead to increased risk of campus and other unintended consequences."
- HB2544: "Not only does this limit the ability of federal law makers and federal law enforcement agencies from enacting regulations that promote public safety, it could lead to ambiguity and confusion when state and federal laws diverge."
- HB2613: "This bill could create a situation where Arizona's election administrators are no longer able to procure certifiable voting and tabulating equipment."
May 9
- SB1255: "The rulemaking process that state agencies follow is rigorous, transparent, and essential to allowing the State government to function at its best for the people of Arizona. If the Legislature disagrees with the rules implemented by the state, it can produce legislation to change them."
- SB1252: "…the creation of an additional review committee inefficiently duplicates the work of existing oversight bodies, unnecessarily furthers mistrust of caseworkers, and may regrettably place additional burdens of traumatized or grieving families."
April 18
- SB1455: Gov. Hobbs wrote that while she appreciates the bill sponsor's intent, she does not believe "that the changes proposed by this bill are needed at this time."
- SB1565: Gov. Hobbs said the bill "attempts to solve challenges that do not currently face our state."
- HB2394, "This bill exempts the firearm industry from the same basic regulation to which all other industries are accustomed."
- HB2691: "As I have stated previously, I am eager to work with the Legislature to advance legislation that strengthens our elections. This bill, unfortunately, does not advance that goal."
- HB2474: "This bill will undermine public true in vaccines approved by the Federal Drug Administration."
- SB1101: "Allowing [Authorized Third Parties] to print these security-enhanced certificates of title and registration tab stocks, outside of ADOT's central distribution model, poses a significant public safety risk."
- SB1091: "This bill would result in less transparency and oversight of services provided to incarcerated people returning to society."
- HB2379: "Hotels and motels in Arizona have never been required to accept a voucher to house someone, and no proposal to do so is under consideration here."
- SB1262: "This bill raises due process concerns."
- HB2509: "This bill would significantly increase the risk of food-borne illness by expanding the ability of cottage food vendors to sell high-risk foods." An attempt to override the veto of this bill ultimately failed.
April 17
- HB2332 and SB1331: "Mandatory firearm safety training in schools is not the solution to gun violence prevention. This requirement could lead to immediate and long-term impacts on the health and wellbeing of students, teachers, and parents. Nor is it prudent to allow parents to carry concealed weapons on school campuses. Allowing more guns on campus will not make a campus safer. Firearms on campus have the potential to confuse law enforcement as they arrive at an active shooter situation."
- HB2297: "The bill will lead to confusion where none currently exists."
- HB2319: "The bill adds unnecessary language into statute and does not solve any of the real challenges facing election administration."
April 12
- HB2552: Gov. Hobbs wrote that Ranked Choice Voting, while used successfully elsewhere in the country, is not used in Arizona, thus making the bill unnecessary.
- HB2675: "Labeling drug cartels as terrorist organizations to deploy state resources is not a real solution, and is not a state function."
- HB2754: "This bill has unintended consequences for organizations that support immigrants."
- SB1236: "This bill broadly defines ‘blockchain technology’ and prevents local policymaking concerning an emergent and potentially energy-intensive economic activity."
- SB1251: Gov. Hobbs wrote that the bill is "a solution in search of a problem." The Governor added that that no Arizona city, town or county restricts rodeos or the use of working animals for agricultural or ranching operations, nor are there "pending policy proposals to do so anywhere in Arizona."
April 11
- SB1005: "This bill does not protect parents' rights but merely encourages litigation - no matter how frivolous - without consequence."
- SB1027: Gov. Hobbs wrote she fears the bill might undermine Arizona's "Good Samaritan Law," which was signed into law a week prior to this bill's vetoing.
- SB1109: "Legalizing silencers, or any other weapons currently on the list of prohibited weapons, will make Arizonans less safe."
- HB2212: "This bill wo do little to deter threats to our critical facilities," wrote Gov. Hobbs. She also added that the conduct targeted by this bill "is already covered by several state and federal laws," thus rendering the bill unnecessary.
- HB2442: Gov. Hobbs wrote that the bill would do very little to preserve the groundwater supplies that Arizonans rely upon."
April 7
- SB1166: "Ultimately, due to its unnecessary and unworkable administrative burden, I am forced to veto this bill," Gov. Hobbs wrote.
April 6
- SB1009: "State law already provides adequate tools to prosecute criminal damage to the items contemplated in this bill, including confederate monuments."
- SB1074: "The election equipment required by the bill, as well as the problem it purports to solve, does not exist."
- SB1253: "State law already outlines requirements for the registration of sex offenders with the Department of Public Safety and compliance with various ongoing notification requirements, including notifying school districts in which a sex offender lives."
- SB1257: "This bill creates an unnecessary statutory mandate for the Arizona Department of Water Resources to hire for a role that can already be satisfied by existing ADWR staff."
- SB1428: "This bill needlessly restricts the authority of cities and towns to make decisions about how to keep their communities safe."
- SB1600: "The bill is uniformly opposed by the medical community, and interferes with the relationship between a patient and doctor. It's simply not the state's role to make such difficult medical decisions for patients."
- HB2322: "The standards in the bill are already several years old, and are more appropriately included as part of the Election Procedures Manual."
- HB2415: Gov. Hobbs said while she "stands ready to sign bills that make voting more accessible, accurate, and secure," the bill "accomplishes none of these goals."
April 5
- HB2437: The bill, according to Gov. Hobbs, "diminishes the authority and statutorily-give purpose" of a committee that was set up to provide a public forum for expeditious review of proposed electric transmission siting plans, while having "an uncertain impact on electric generation or Arizona's overall power grid."
- HB2477: "This bill, which solely expresses legislative opinion and does not make or change substantive policy, would be better served as a House Resolution."
- HB2535, which exempts a well "drilled with the consent of the well owner on private property in an unincorporated area" from municipal regulation, if the area in question is annexed by a city or town after the well has been drilled. Gov. Hobbs wrote that prohibiting a municipality from "requiring even the most basic of safety standards and regulations for groundwater wells threatens the safety and quality of drinking water that public utilities provide to residents and businesses throughout Arizona."
- HB2586: "Current federal law prescribes specific standards regarding all traffic control devices installed on any street, highway or private road open to public travel, by which the Arizona Department of Transportation abides."
April 4
- SB1162: "While there is no doubt that more can be done to support small businesses in Arizona, this approach is far too broad. The bill would create challenges for public safety and code enforcement in neighborhoods."
April 3
- HB2427: "Current law already allows for the court to consider the pregnancy of a victim as a factor in sentencing. Indeed, Arizona's leading advocacy organization for victims of domestic violence has said that the bill ‘will do nothing to deter domestic violence or support pregnant victims.’"
- HB2440: The bill, according to Gov. Hobbs, is "unnecessary and creates regulatory uncertainty in instances where affordability and reliability may be at odds."
- HB2472: "The bill is overly vague," according to Gov. Hobbs. "It does not define ‘social credit scores,’ nor do these systems exist anywhere in the United States. If intended to protect against unfair lending practices, this bill is redundant with the federal law and The Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, 12 CFR 202.2 ("Regulation B"), which already outlaws discriminatory lending and provides clear parameters for credit decisions."
- HB2056: The bill, according to Gov. Hobbs, "creates regulatory confusion and uncertainty by forcing an unnecessary conflict" between state law and federal law.
March 30
- SB1024: "We need to address Arizona's housing and homelessness crisis in a comprehensive manner. rather than solving these issues in a meaningful way, this bill only makes them less visible."
- SB1250: "This bill is unnecessary, as legal protections for an employee's religious beliefs already exist in federal employment law. The bill also threatens employers with a civil penalty and a hefty fine, which could be devastating for Arizona's many small businesses."
March 28
- SB1063: "From potential cuts to service-including public safety-to increased property taxes, it is clear that this bill doesn't actually eliminate costs for our residents. It simply moves those costs around."
- SB1096: "This bill is unnecessary and, if enacted, could result in banks leaving Arizona's market. This would limit competition and increases costs for local governments, costs which ultimately fall on taxpayers."
March 9
- SB1305: "It's time to stop pushing students and teachers into culture wars rooted in fear-mongering and evidence-free accusation," Gov. Hobbs wrote. "Bills like SB1305 serve only to divide and antagonize."
March 3
- SB1248: "Repealing the sunrise application for scope of practice expansion altogether without replacement with a better mechanism will not address the underlying issues, and poses a threat to the health and safety of Arizonans."
February 23
- SB1184: Gov. Hobbs wrote the bill suffers from two defects, in that it "lacks any enforceable mechanism to ensure relief will be provided to renters," and that approving an appropriation of "roughly 270 million dollars over the next eighteen months," outside of a comprehensive budget agreement, would be irresponsible.
February 16
- SB1523 to SB1535: "I am confident that we can work together on a budget that addresses our state's housing crisis, lowers costs, prepares our workforce, and invests in public education." A $17 billion budget was ultimately passed and signed into law by Gov. Hobbs in May.
Can the legislature override the vetoes?
Under Arizona's constitution, a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each of the state's legislative chambers is needed to override a veto.
There are 60 members in the State House, and 30 members in the State Senate. This means 40 members of the State House and 20 members of the State Senate need to vote to override a veto.
Neither Republicans or Democrats have the votes needed to override a veto on their own.
Are vetoes common in Arizona?

Former Governor Doug Ducey (From Archive)
In recent years, Arizona's governors have issued vetoes on a number of bills.
During Doug Ducey's time as governor, he vetoed a number of bills, including, in 2022, a bill sponsored by a Scottsdale GOP lawmaker that would require county recorders to launch an investigation anytime someone claims that a person’s voter registration is invalid.
Ducey said that bill could allow for subjective decisions and lead to people’s voter registrations being canceled "based on fiction rather than fact."
In 2021, Ducey vetoed a bill backed by social conservative groups that would have, among other things, barred all discussions about gender identity, sexual orientation or HIV/AIDS in sex education classes unless parents are notified in advance. Ducey called the bill "overly broad and vague," and said it would lead to unintended consequences.
The Associated Press (AP) contributed to this report.