Syleste Rodriguez
What you see is what you get with Syleste Rodriguez. A common question one gets when asked about Syleste is "Is she as nice as she seems?" And the answer is unequivocally "yes." As in, she may be the happiest person you will meet. Syleste's laugh has been known to echo in the halls of FOX 10 and it's sure to put a smile on your face.
Syleste and her husband Gary are the proud parents of three children and have deep Arizona roots. Syleste is a fourth-generation Arizonan. Originally from Tempe, her family is one of the first five families of Tempe. They at one time lived in pueblos at "A" Mountain where Arizona State University now stands.
Syleste is deeply connected to the Hispanic community in the valley, emceeing dozens of events as well as having graduated from Valle del Sol's Hispanic Leadership Institute.
You are involved again this year in the American Cancer Society's Strides Ride for Breast Cancer. Talk about why this is important to you.
Unfortunately, like so many Arizonans, our family has been affected by Breast Cancer. My Nana was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had a single mastectomy. I saw how that affected her, emotionally and physically My Mother-in-Law was also diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Raising money to find a cure for Breast Cancer means fewer families affected by this horrible disease in the future.
What is the best part of your job?
Best part of my job is sharing the inspirational, beat the odds kinds of stories we have in our community that bring hope and peace to those who hear it and see it on our show and newscasts. We have amazing people in our community.
You and your family are big ASU fans. What are your typical game day traditions?
We are HUGE ASU fans! Goooooooo Devils! My husband played football for ASU. I attended ASU as well and teach at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. We traditionally go to most home games. Our three kids love going too. COVID has been difficult, our kids miss the games and can't wait to get back to cheering our team on! We have close ties to the ASU Athletic Department and take great pride to saluting youth and collegiate sports, they have given so much to us in the way of teaching leadership, teamwork and confidence.
Syleste Rodriguez and her family
Is Cory McCloskey as nutty in real life as he is on TV?
Uh, Yes! It has been pretty amazing working with Cory McCloskey, he is witty, wacky and so much fun! He turns and gives me a second glance when I walk in the studio at 4 am singing a tune, smiles and says, "Oh Syleste..." But, I say is there any other way to rise in the morning?