EōS Fitness reopens Arizona locations after deal with AZDHS
EōS Fitness reopens Arizona locations after deal with AZDHS
The gym agreed to go above and beyond with health practices to ensure their customers are kept safe and healthy.
PHOENIX - At least one major gym group in the valley is back open. The line started early. At 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 15, EōS Fitness said they were legally allowed to reopen their gyms after striking a deal with the states department of health services.
"I mean, I understand diets, everything going on, but for me, it helps me.. with my mental health and overall health, so I’m excited to be back," said Troy Conley of Gilbert.
Coronavirus in Arizona: Latest case numbers
"It’s great to be back get back into the gym.. kind of get back into the routine," said Montana Shaum of Gilbert.
After lawsuits, this month, the Department of Health Service put out guidelines on what metrics would needed to be for gyms to reopen. The COVID-19 numbers are still too high according to director Dr. Cara Christ, but now they’ve created a second option to reopen.
MAP: Arizona Coronavirus cases by zip code
"What they have to show the department is that they’re going to take measures above and beyond the requirements to keep people patrons and employees safe," explained Christ.
The CEO of EōS fitness said they went above and beyond and posted the letter to the front door of this location. It requires reservations, limits occupancy to 10% and requires sanitization after every use.
"Yes, I mean I think they’ll do the best thing they can.. the best safety protocols.. it’s kind of up to the individual to deem it’s safe and I personally do, yes," said Shaum.
DHS says 95 bars, 89 gyms and two movie theatres have applied to reopen. Only two have been allowed, including EoS. Four others were denied.
Tangible Fitness in Phoenix reopened on August 11 without approval and received a letter the following day from DHS demanding they shut down. The owner, Chris Scheimann, says they still haven’t received permission to open, despite also requiring reservations and limiting occupancy.
"I’m not going to close. I can’t continue to close for what they call a pause," said Scheimann.
EōS Fitness’ reopening plans: https://eosfitness.com/reopening-again-plan-az.
Statement from Rich Drengberg, CEO of EōS Fitness:
"Beginning today, Saturday, August 15 at 8 a.m., all Arizona EōS Fitness locations reopened. EōS Fitness applied to the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) for approval to reopen on the condition we could prove we have taken extra steps beyond the state’s guidelines for a safe reopening.
As a result, ADHS approved our application and is allowing us to reopen in accordance with our application and attestation. We are committed to providing a safe indoor fitness facility for our members. Members will need to make a reservation, complete a health screening, wear a face coverings at all times while in the gym, and sanitize equipment before and after each use.
We are thankful to the state of Arizona, Governor Ducey’s office and ADHS for working closely with us to reach this common goal of improving the health and safety of all Arizonans. We’d like to thank our attorney Rob Zelms and his firm Manning & Kass for successfully navigating us through this challenge, while always following EōS Fitness’ values. We remain committed to doing the right thing for our members and team members, and we’re very pleased to be reopening our gyms."
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