Clearing marijuana convictions: Phoenix event offers free legal help to expunge record
PHOENIX - With marijuana now legal in Arizona, people convicted of using the drug are wondering, what happens to their criminal records as many want them to be cleared.
Under the new law, Valley lawyers say anyone convicted for 2.5 ounces of marijuana or less are eligible to have their record cleared.
On April 17, a Phoenix dispensary will hold a clinic with free advice from eight attoreys.
Organizers point out that many people can't find employment due to non-violent convictions. They're hoping this "expungement clinic" will wipe away some of the marijuana convictions.
"There are a lot of people that have past felonies, simple felonies, non-violent for cannabis," said Chris Ramondetta, regional marketing manager at Vireo Health. "So we are brining in eight lawyers to come on site to help anyone in the community who would be looking to get their criminal cannabis record expunged free of charge."
The event is scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Arizona Natural Remedies / Green Goods located at 22041 N. 23rd Avenue. Pre-registration is required and bring a case report if possible.
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