PHOENIX (KSAZ) - The Rebel Lounge, a Phoenix music venue is closed for repairs following a performance by the band "Three Bad Jacks" over the weekend. The band who is known for using pyrotechnics during the show started a fire at the front of the stage which set off sprinklers causing significant water damage.
It was a packed show Saturday night when the lead singer "Elvis" started a fire near the stage and poured some liquid on it. The fire started growing fast.
"They got done with the first song and the start of the second song Elvis started talking about lighting a little fire, it's something he does, it's a signature move for him apparently," said Kali Myers.
Within seconds the lounges water sprinkler system turned on above the stage dousing the flames and everyone nearby.
"As soon as the sprinklers turned on it got even more rowdy, and nobody really went running, nobody got hurt," said Myers.
Fire alarms began sounding and security told people to make their way to the exits.
Now there is cleanup underway and the bar owner had no comment about the Saturday incident. Phoenix Fire says the sprinkler system worked just as it was supposed to.
"Hundreds of lives were saved, the sprinkler system activated appropriately like it should have, along with the smoke alarms, and the exits were manned appropriately," said Capt Aaron Ernsberger.
The band Three Bad Jacks issued the following statement: "We played a show in Phoenix and a sprinkler was set off . Nothing more than rubbing alcohol that burns itself out super quick.
We did everything we could to help the situation . When the fire department came no band members were allowed in the venue . It was a unfortunate situation and we reached out to the venue earlier today."