PHOENIX (KSAZ) - Officials have conducted an autopsy into the death of Prince, but the full report will not be known for several weeks. TMZ is reporting that the singer was treated for a drug overdose days before his death.
But for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio the timing couldn't have been more spot on, as he was celebrating 20 years of a drug rehab program with 6,000 treated at his jails when reports of the star's possible overdose came out.
Dubbed America's Toughest Sheriff, he's facing some tough criticism for a Tweet he posted.
"20-year-anniversary, I started that, and I said there are drugs ruining our nation and I have to do something about it, I've been fighting this for 55 years around the world, I'm not going to get into my resume, but I hear of this unfortunate incident and I sent out condolences to Prince and the fans, that's what triggered that," said Joe Arpaio.
Even though Arpaio takes full responsibility for all of his Tweets, this one was deleted shortly after being published.
"I think that the way it came out so quick died and there were some antics, we don't know that for sure yet, we do know that there were published reports that he had possibly an overdose anyways, so we don't know how he died yet, because the coroner didn't say that because of the overdose," said Arpaio.
Valley residents had mixed feelings about the Tweet.
"First of all, I saw the thing on the TV about Prince, and it's kind of premature, you can't really jump to the conclusion. I would think someone in the public eye would maybe hold back a little bit until they had a little bit more evidence," said one resident.
"I can see how some people justify saying it's too soon, but at the same time, everyone has an opinion," said another.
Arpaio went on to say he was saddened as everyone else by the news of Prince's passing, adding that drugs claimed the lives of some of his other favorite artists including Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson.
The full details of Prince's death are not expected for several weeks.