Arizona couple collecting supplies to take to Texas amid deadly winter storm
Arizona couple collecting donations for those in need in Texas
The Lone Star State has been battered by winter storms that brought treacherous conditions to many parts of the state, in addition to leaving many people without power.
PHOENIX - As winter storms left many without power and heat during freezing temperatures in Texas, an Arizona couple is collecting donations to take with them to the Lone Star State.
"It’s heartbreaking you know? You don’t want to see nobody suffer and struggle," said Henry Perez III.
Perez and his girlfriend are collecting donations to take with them to a small town just outside of Austin called Lockhart, where his daughters and some of his other friends live.
So far, they’ve packed up two truckload's worth of supplies.
"Taking as much as I can possibly take," said Perez. "There’s more food on the side. Baby wipes."
Perez is teaming up with Lockhart pastor Gary Rodgers, who is experiencing firsthand the destruction caused by these storms.
"There are still people that have no water, no electricity, and that’s been going on for three or four days," said Rodgers.
Rodgers says the project has already boosted spirits in the community, a community that has endured so much within a matter of days.
"It means just a big boost in morale and excitement," said Rodgers.
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