APS donates new van to Foundation for Blind Children

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Surveillance video from last week that angered so many people shows a man driving off in a Foundation for Blind Children van, stealing from their parking lot and never to be seen again.

"It wasn't stolen from a business, it was stolen from the children and the young adults that are being introduced to being independent," Randy Neal said.

FOX 10 viewer and manager of facility services for APS, Randy Neal was shocked when he watched our story.

The foundation relies on these vans to take kids on field trips and adventures. Adults benefit from them too to go to work and the airport.

All of these trips come with the goal of teaching people with vision impairments how to navigate the world on their own.

"They're the victims and the heroes in it all are FBC, they provide the service for folks in the community and I couldn't be more proud to be here today," Neal said.

Today, touched by the story, Randy and APS are giving the foundation one of their vans. The power company is getting a new fleet, so they were able to be generous.

The van also has new wheels and a clean interior, thanks to other Valley businesses that wanted to help out as well.

"When we heard from APS and they said, 'We're going to take care of you,' it was like, 'OK, there's someone out there watching for us," said Marc Ashton, CEO of Foundation for Blind Children.

Ashton says it wasn't just APS stepping up, but thousands of dollars in donations have continued to pour in thanks to a community coming together to help right a terrible wrong.

The Foundation for Blind Children