Abandoned Phoenix Trotting Park scheduled to be demolished in December

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It's an iconic building that is hard to be missed: the Phoenix Trotting Park, located near the Loop 303 in Goodyear, has stood since it opened in the 60s, but the abandoned building won't be standing much longer.

The building, which has sat empty for over five decades, is set for demolition at the end of the year. According to Maricopa County Air Quality, permits have been filed to demolish the building sometime in December, and crews are reportedly preparing the building for demolition, by removing Asbestos.

"Believe it or not, when the shadows change at night, it looks like the building moves," said Randi Knott, who has lived near the Phoenix Trotting Park for nine years. "I was very sad. I wish there was something I could have done to help preserve it."

The Phoenix Trotting Park opened in 1965 for horse racing, but it was only open for two seasons before it was closed and abandoned. The building has since sat empty, and has fallen into disrepair. It is not known what will come of the land following the Trotting Park's demolition.